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FaL 26.04
@arte_de_la_puerta @TyIIIkA да я ж не серьёзно, я понимаю зачем они на инглише базарят, ептье ._.
dropzone 26.04
@Mojito it became very interesting to know the names of these players, especially if they are from kzra
It's just courteous to speak in something everyone understands especially when you are in not-so-native websites.
TyIIIkA 26.04
Зато нам проще читать их разговор =)
По поводу 100аа на обычном сервере, у меня заметно подлагивает (т.е. я не могу иногда даже выйти с duck как меня тп)
FaL 26.04
Могут на китайском базарить друг с другом, а все равно на инглише шпарят
Kari 26.04
@Mojito Oh that's a sharp one. Good day. :)
Mojito 26.04
@fufu I happened to have something to go out and was just hanging out in the game. So for you to defend your country is crying? That's sad.
Kari 26.04
@Mojito Is it really cool to cry in public ?
Kari 26.04
@Mojito If you're really that tough, why are you saying these here? Just face to face to deal with it with those people.
Kari 26.04
@Mojito It seems like I am not with the Chinese flag. And I'm serious but you still described me as "funny".
Mojito 26.04
@fufu You're funny, I never bother to respond to anything if it's just directed at me, but if it's directed at my country, I have to stand up and state it. Please don't forget that you are now discussing with me with the Chinese flag.
Mojito 26.04
@Kpoluk No, I haven't said a single word or bothered to respond to anything. On the night of April 24 BST, two players with kzra team markers said abusive things about me and abusive words about my country and its people like ''fucking chinese and fucking chinese dogs'' in the server. I know their steamid, and names in the rush community.
Kari 26.04
@Mojito The best way is always ignore them and just keep walking. Dissing back is not good for you.
Kpoluk 25.04
@Mojito did you have conflict with someone? What are you talking about? If something happened on server, specify the server and time.
Mojito 25.04
I don't care who likes/dislikes my map and me, and I don't care who insults me, but I don't allow anyone to insult or trash-talk my country and the people of my country. I will not talk trash to him and each other because I have a good family upbringing and qualities that he does not have. I don't want to start a fight between countries over this issue, but I have to come out and state it. Please excuse my English, as my native language is Chinese. :)
uhh 25.04
Yes 100aa still feels "choppy"
lxr 25.04
Guys, i know about tops. This task is delayed because before it i should complete another high-priority tasks.

The current question is about lags only.
V4R10L4V3R4 25.04
and make separate tops for 10aa and 100aa in game!!!!
like getting both 16 and 16 for both AA's is dumb, it should be only once, then additional points for top15 but only vanilla settings 10aa just my opinion
i dont know man, these 100aa points are so unfair, points system needs a rework to have separate points for 10aa and 100aa or something, bcs sooner or later there will be more vip players than regular one and it will lose sense
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