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Kpoluk 19.02
@malware map is fixed, thanks for the report.
@arte_de_la_puerta you can choose difficulty in records list (Records -> Site records menu). As for sorting by number of records or adding the same feature with difficulty for Server records, contact lxr.
V4R10L4V3R4 19.02
@arte_de_la_puerta you can click on your profile and select "maps without record" and you can sort them by difficulty
Is there a way to sort map by popularity and difficulty? I want to see some popular maps (by total record) and see how difficult they would be but there is no way to filter any of those. I don't want to spam the site with requests to scrape all the map data.
malware 16.02
Admins please read my previous messages. If you not trust me, just join Eu or Average server, nom the map and see by youeself. Also, the top15 is empty for this map... you will understand why.
T!g3r 15.02
@malware missing ladder xD
malware 15.02
Yes is invisible, but we play it 2-3 times and every time this ground is missing/cant finish. You can check it on average server.
B2U 15.02
@malware Missing ground is invisible texture as you can see you can walk on it, there iz no problem.People check maps, so if is there a problem it wouldnt be accepted.
malware 15.02
kz_cg_tower cant be finished because of missing ground and ladder. I play it on Lan and its Ok. You can watch wr at the end внешняя ссылка
Fix the map(somehow) or remove it :)
CTouK 15.02
@Kpoluk таких и нет вроде
Kpoluk 14.02
@HELLBOUND по ip выдал. Сделать стим онли будет не очень для тех, кто на нонстиме накопил экспу.
Второй раз такого идиота встречаю и снова у них айди, не стимовское, а 48 протокол нон стима. Во всяком случае много лет назад это так называлось. Возможно закрытие возможности зайти без именно стима хоть как-то снизит частоту этих событий.
айди клоуна, который прям сейчас блочит дверь на аверадж сервере. Если его айди даст возможность удаленно забанить конечно. STEAM_1:0:1801136662
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