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all simen servers forbid tuf jump, and for ajcj(for clarification, this is the tech allow you to do cj on bhopblock) you can only stay in one block for 25frames, same as lan_server mpbhop settings.
i tested like 4 servers csko.cz and simen and 2 random everywhere possible
Also had no idea this would be considered a bug or something worth fixing, I think you can do this on almost every server
Should delete all records on h-x+
long distance bhop maps, unfair to new players. @back2basics you get to bhop twice on 1 bhop block. A lot of people abused it on h-x+ bhop maps (not only weapons, that's a cap, people did it with usps all the time. It's literally called "tuf jump" and he does not do weapon runs)
hfr_vault_h sub 12min
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the problem is that very many weapon runs has been done with this technique and now they are impossible to beat, that's the challenging and fun thing about it like Irvin said
Whats the reason for removing the feature, what does it break? And whats the difference between it and jb for instance in that regard?
why report something that do nothing wrong and its mostly used at weapons runs and only at server. Like never anyone care or complained about it. I think we saw pretty epic runs and some of them use this tech otherwise its not possible to pass and that was the fun/challange we had.
You should have report it guys, not master ._.
I signed this!!
ok last one working sorry for spam please dont ban me im good kid
внешняя ссылка why cant post link kekw
внешняя ссылка this link work
its not a joke support who can :)
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hama_hb_all1ance sub 15 min
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@lesenfer jsais pas xd
@5_Nico Where's skybox, lol :D