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Pro Nub

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B2U 12.02
@irvin Just my intencion to help.On that server you could just aim and see instantly, but I think its not usefull that much :)I guess its usefull little bit. :)
Irvin 12.02
idk u can just jump or hook at block and see if its bhop or not :D im not sure but too much useless stuff can more damage or slow down server than other way
B2U 12.02
@kpoluk Sometimes player want to know does he can stand on block or not.On clarion kz server when you aim on block and use attack, block become transparent with blue color.Maybe that can be feature of noclip mode.
Kpoluk 12.02
@B2U I cannot update servers at the moment, but I might consider this in future. Could you clarify why this info is useful and what exactly player sees when he uses attack command?
B2U 12.02
@kpoluk at clarion kz rush servers there was a option to see is some block bhop or not.I think it should be nice if kzrush servers can have that option.At that servers you could check it by aiming on block and just press left klick using any weapon.
Kpoluk 11.02
@ArvInD 3 bans for bhop hack, if you're serious.
ArvInD 11.02
why is d1fficult banned? I feel he is legit and a sick player
ArvInD 10.02
Gl mappers. Great maps :D
lxr 09.02
News with results of Winter Mapping Contest will be posted tomorrow.

Новость с результатами Winter Mapping Contest будет завтра.
ArvInD 09.02
Yes pepi, I think at least the default ones should be allowed
all1aNcE 08.02
Можно на серв поставить ласт версию кз раш статы
pepi 08.02
It's a rare occurrence as its done by a select few people, but I've seen images in which a ban wouldn't be appropriate, but several years in prison for possession of these images if you can understand what I'm saying.
abubas 08.02
@lxr так то очень печально. я тоже не видел ничего оскорбительного но видел порнографические теги. и даже с ними я думаю что кастом всегда хорошо. я не люблю другие серверы только за лямбды, а теперь и на раше это... грусть.
на тему стандартной лямбды, я думаю ее можно поменять.
tHEYAMBO 08.02
inspare nice bypass u da best
B2U 07.02
@pepi I think i never saw some offensive or pornographic logo at kzrush servers, but i agree with @lxr that they arent needed at all.
lxr 07.02
@pepi im not sure that we can replace default logo in that case
pepi 07.02
i like the custom sprays being removed as some people have wildly offensive and despicable sprays which I won't speak about, but I really don't like the miniature lambda, perhaps put it to a poll on what should be the default spray for everyone?
lxr 07.02
@abubas от некоторых игроков были жалобы, что в графити суют что зря. Да и графити не является необходимостью на серверах, для пометок достаточно стандартного.
abubas 07.02
а че эта... граффити пропали?( теперь лямбды у всех :с
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