Архив чата
@edzika my steam account is limited thats why i ask.
it is better to have everyone at steam in case any of us has a questions/wishes, etc.
@edzika I will message you in kzrush pm if can?
everyone who wants hb map can type to me in steam your birthday and kind of map (climb, bhop, slide). the difficulty will be average. I will choose 12 people
@sadamaza you gonna do map for bloly?
внешняя ссылка - haha dastish fanyastish
Не отображается меню "Потратить очки". что делать ?
hi B2U u the best broski
hi sekai fake anti gay
Hi sekai = qq bratan
Can't buy VIP? :(
@Dolphin Пока ещё нет :D
lxr забанили на собственном сайте
внешняя ссылка
funny thing is i dont even know that skarp guy, he probably saw someone get banned for fps and said its me
whenever im doing dcj im getting banned by the server plugin for cheating by type ddrun (double duck) and i reinstalled cs and still got the same ban again
read what i said, im not getting any illegal fps ban
i get fps ban couple times if i press my fps bind by mistake
you used an illegal fps
what? @skarp