Архив чата
@B2U not really now, brother, maybe I'll do something in the future
@B2U he cant make maps without me
@Qicg Do you have some plans or thoughts for some map releasing?Arid2 or macka2 lol
Кто пройдет kzru_hb_all1ance меньше чем за 100 минут, скину тыщу на карту , не касается гуся и броколи
@round thank you man XD
@Monika внешняя ссылка
But nowadays it's obsolete, since KZ-Rush enhanced their lan server which contains all these features and even more
guys, who know what the speed-show plugin is that topoviygus used in his handshow video?
@qicg vse chiki-breeki, everyday im hustle bro
@ArvInD as stated in rules, mpbhop is allowed only for [mpbhop] routes from records list with cp:
@ArvInD no
Can I keep mpbhops on for nocp rush records?
@sadamaza normalno bratan, a u tebya kak dela?
@qicg kak jizn brat?
@B2U <3
@Qicg you deserve to be greeted individually.You are in my ♥️
@B2U where am I :(
hello kz master round, kz god don simon and best kz player, friend and player cykai
@round hello mate, you are welcome, nice to see you again!