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Why won't you let me upload my demo registration?

bkz_goldbhop_Nucleo-Gamers_0131.93.zip: Specified upload doesn't allow demos of this game. Please choose another upload category.
abubas 09.11
Доброго времени суток! Посоветуйте плз клавиатуру))
Qicg 08.11
@lxr, it seems like it helped, ping was stable yesterday as well as today.
JocA 08.11
@sekai they can break the rule to add that map, we will close our eyes for a moment (:
sekai 07.11
@JocA yeah, i know, i think the same tbh, and i like that map a lot too, but the rules of kz-rush are strict, so...nah /:
B2U 07.11
@JocA It would be good challenge.
JocA 07.11
@sekai but that -md is not easy to do, few players can do that sc in a run ;) would be interesting to see on kzrush server
sekai 07.11
@Imbik На ней WR (-md) продолжительностью практически вдвое меньше минуты, такие карты на сервера кз раш не ставятся никогда.
Imbik 07.11
@lxr А есть возможность, добавить bkz_wallblock на сервер average? Или с этой мапой есть конфликтная составляющая?
asd123 07.11
@akkuratist @cstrike , thank you guys , it works just as I needed it.
Btw does anyone know why kzrush forces sv_lan to 0 and how I can fix that , without having to manually do it every time I join my LAN or changelevel.
Qicg 07.11
Thank you, I will check it later today and let you know.
lxr 07.11
@Qicg Regular servers and VIP servers are hosted in different places. I restarted VIP server, is this problem persists?
Qicg 06.11
What is going on with vip servers? On regular servers I've stable 60 ping, but on vip it keeps jumping to 150-200 randomly every few seconds.
cstrike 06.11
@SpaceGold or try maybe /timing in chat (kz rush plugin)
akkuratist 05.11
@SpaceGold, try uq_timing plugin or some analogs like stopwatch.
asd123 05.11
I'm trying to find a plugin using which I can make runs on maps that don't have start/stop buttons. One that lets you put those in the desired positions. But so far I couldn't find anything , can anyone redirect me?
lxr 03.11
@Xednay, @Imbik сервер перезагрузил. Кажется сейчас должно быть нормально.
lxr 03.11
@sadamaza кто мешал это делать до баннера? Они оплатили баннер, деньги идут на наши серверы, потому что в последние месяцы донатов почти не было. Если тебе не нравится баннер, то можешь воспользоваться Adblock и заблокировать конкретно его.
JocA 03.11
Is there a chance to in near future, record a demo on kzrush plublic server, and to be accepted on sunmit page for KZRush record? :-) I think cago is doing something like this
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