Архив чата
Захожу на хард и клиент падает. Мапа стоит kzua_pliqbhop
@Kpoluk пасипаааа
I think the hard server is bugged
Собственно, -3 часа випа. :c
@Kroluk при попытке на VIP сервере, свапнуть мапу на hb_sintez, сервер замирает и умирает..
true, he clean player.
@JocA in case he does something illegal here punishment will befall as it should be.
@Kpoluk you told he will stay 'unbanned' because he can create new accounts and upload again...but he can do that either way...hopefully his demos will be removed :)
@fykseN he wasn't banned here, hence he wasn't unbanned.
is there any reason to have PMSA unbanned here?
@lampoviyASd здесь ближе к концу есть про это:
no password set. Clean your userinfo.
что это означает и как исправить?
Hmm can any of you find cs4.kz-rush.ru:27015? :o
@B2U +1 I use radmin when my hamachi doesn't start
@mls Radmin vpn by best kz player, friend and russian can be used as well.
hey , does anyone know how do I get my friend to spectate in my LAN?
Because of avivvv, lxr will i clude new vip level: vVvip5.