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@B2U, I will teach you and you will make map for everyone
@mls You make map for medved eban, qicg will do one for me.😁
@JocA about bigger airtime on first strafe for low-jof tech. Sometimes I also correct typos, but cannot hide notifications.
really good article about jump sounds
can we know whats update in article "HJ physics" ?
@B2U start with neon, every mapper should have neon map :)
@Qicg Im honored that you love me.I love you too (nohomo, maybe a little), I would be so happy to see qcg_to_b2u, but not live qcg_hb_evis map_ rather like rest of yours lol.I guess im wanting too much. 😁 Medved I will make map for you when I learn mapping lol 🙏.Qicg will be my instructor, also Sukai 😁😁😁
Omg, one more month without you... and cmon guys, I'm not a mapping machine 😁
@Irvin in a week I think
first of all it should be qcg_hb_medvded
@Qicg Thanks for thinking about me ♥️ My bad, its 1.10 not 9. 😘 I want qcg_to_b2u as a present. 😁Maybe not 1st but definetly at start of october.
@B2U, it is 1. 9. already, where the comeback at, brother?
@Kpoluk when add some maps? i mean the new from xj and cosy thanks
@Kpoluk thanks
thx @Kpoluk
Well that's strange, for now to avoid stuck turn off "downloading of records list" in lan settings menu (dont' forget to save settings in the same menu).
@Dawn me too
why i always get stuck when creat lan server
@Kpoluk still didnt show WR messages when i finished maps, and shows no xtreme jump map and cosy climbing map when i typed /wr.
@Monika should work now