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ghp 14.02
Hi , а почему нет на серверах этой карты :?kz_kzlv_wanderer
lxr 14.02
Голоса разделились. Сделаем выбор по количеству лайков на ваших сообщениях.
funkdoobiest 14.02
@lxr 14 февраля только, ты лучше этот вопрос задай после майских праздников, пока не время....
Creep 14.02
@lxr Долой!
lxr 14.02
Ёлку можно убирать или ещё кто-то празднует? :)
Gorbachev_x 14.02
@Kpoluk Can rush servers run maps that are larger than goldsrc's standard size like surf-gateway?
Kris 13.02
@FLP do people have to?
FLP 11.02
Why the fuck aren't more people uploading demos on this website, you did 5 releases in the same time period XJ did one...
Kpoluk 11.02
@asdasdasdasdasdasd делаю релиз
почему нельзя загрузить рекорды без чекпоинтов?
FaL 11.02
@CrayFish я пользуюсь и я даже не уверен что лучше него что-то есть в открытом доступе
CrayFish 11.02
кто-нибудь пользуется компилятором sdhlt? он норм вообще?
Kris 11.02
Nooo, the IP @Penguin
Kpoluk 10.02
@Penguin well done
Penguin 10.02
Ban Information:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143919482
Reason: Illegal FPS
Ban Length: 2 hours

I used nvidia control panel to limit 20fps and was banned. D:
Guts 10.02

[ Это сообщение было заблокировано ]

Kpoluk 10.02
Though I wouldn't aim for the specs from past 10 years, even though mine and most are like this. That would make sence if the game itself was released 10 years ago, but the engine is more than 25 years old. It wasn't supposed for open areas, but even 1 Gb of GPU should be enough to handle almost any open area kz map that was optimized properly. So wpoly check should be made anyway if you do anything more complicated than two blocks in a box.
Kpoluk 10.02
@arte_de_la_puerta seems like I ran too much soft yesterday, checked it now once again and it's ok, nvm
People with fps drop have extremely slow pc specs. If you have a CPU with iGPU made in the past 10 years, it wouldn't be a problem. This doesn't mean I don't optimize the map. I optimized it for a certain specs and it is all good. On top of my head, there is exactly 1 spot with fps drop for low specs. If you have fps drop everywhere, maybe the map is too hard on the pc.
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