Архив чата
Не могу в полной мере пояснить без нарушения правил, но для таких персонажей как PluDiko в дозированных объёмах такие случаи лишними не будут
@round почему?
Я не знаю кто это, но уже заочно благодарен этому человеку
+ у меня тоже мы играли карту vly_nantu_d он зашол и крашнул сервак и увсех слетели сейвпосы
вот это вот чмо тупоголовое
внешняя ссылка зашло и крашнуло сервер Extreme
и у меня savepos слетел
@B2U He, or anyone else except sekai, can only dream about it.
@HOPEZ I gues abibas would like to do him same thing.
@B2U He asked me to handcuff him & do dirty things... (seriously)
@HOPEZ You dirty bastard, what you doing to him?Do only good thing to him or im gonna kill you!
@JocA @B2U Guys, sekai is currently inactive, i am writing you this from his apartment after I handcuffed him. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Hi Joca, ming and SENPAI SE(U)KAI!
hi ming and sekai!!
hi world!
i just submit his demo lol
Let admins decide who need to be banned and who is cheater.
Long live @Kpoluk, you doing great job for this community.
And following ban for multiacc of SleepLess.
@saltbae inspare is banned here but cosy admins don't have to follow this decision. You've ignored my warning, so you get your gag now.
what about inspare then kpoluk ?? is it the same 3 months ban, or should you contact with Skarp [ corrupted admins ] who unbaned inspare for no reason ?? what about this ?
внешняя ссылка check inspare comenting here and check his profile what was the last time " active " on cosy ... i said about cosy admins i didn't mention name's :)
Nothing personal with you tho :(