@ArvInD to make it clear, my point is that there are no reliable sources rn, and there won't be any if we talk about these short demos. I can lean on my server stats and long demos as the whole, but proper live checks (recent one and mostly the following) should give more certainty. Anyway ban decisions shouldn't be made according just to personal opinions, at least as how it looks like for now.
I trust the cc and xj admins but i trust kpoluk as well, which is why i don't know which source to trust right now. So imma sit back and enjoy the events in the coming future with a keen eye. Good luck guys
@asdasdasdasdasdasd мне его никто не репортил. Ты вот на ютуб видео выложил, а мне почему-то не сообщил, некрасиво получается.
@Kpoluk когда будет исправлен ungc abuse?
@xarebava that's the only reason why you are not perm banned now, but take into account that any new violtaion will lead to it.
I just have binds for shooting, sometimes i need high fps, and much times i click accidentally on kzrush servers so i got banned for fps a lot of times :D
@asdasdasdasdasdasd возможно там баг, их уже несколько набралось точно. Загадывать не будем, но через определённое время это будет исправлено.
@xarebava you had 6 bans for illegal fps, just a reminder. Also if you continue with offensive behaviour you'll be gagged as well.
За рекорды с оружием на сервере, как и за рекорды с чекпоинтами на сайте, Exp не даются, начисляются только очки. А почему после того как рекорд с оружием побили отнимают очки и експу?
thanks! I understand now.