Архив чата
сделай так, чтобы карты, начиная от сложная-экстремальный были на Extreme serere пожалуйсте
@SENKAY somehow :D:D hahaha
@lxr nvm somehow i fixed it
@NeffeX what you mean when you say "lost"? Did you have steam-account?
Hey! Is it possible to get my points back? I wasn't a registered user so I lost it all for the second time.. First time - 4100, and now 3200 -.- like cmon!
@SENKAY What trouble do you have?
came to siberia, good parties here
Any admin out there? im kinda having trouble with submiting a demo
rawe in what city are you staying now
@inj3ct0r. even you? nooooo(
yes, we ALL
Russia numba wan, China last one
we all russia
@hfour hahaha
he just moved from a hideous Sweden to a beautiful and prosperous mother Russia
So why your flag is Russia here and on xj Sweden?
its near mongolia behind cuba