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nokia 19.12
Здравствуйте. Помогите пожалуйста кто сможет. Меня уже терзает 3 год кое какая необычная проблема - я сжимаю мышь сильно-сильно и не могу расслаблено водить когда прыгаю, это происходит когда разыгран уже, так сильно сжимаю мышь, что ладонь болеть начинает, не могу сделать 275-272 пре в lj, а также водить плавные синхронные стрейфы. Как мне избавиться от этой проблемы, уже 3-ий год такое, а обратился сюда, ибо в интернете не нашел ничего связанного с мышью такое или при игре в контру такого D:
Kpoluk 19.12
@mad if you are sure that you've used your site nick in demo's and archive's names, send it to me in private message, I'll take a look.
smrtsvima 19.12
i cant do :

---> send to > compressed file

it says i got some symbols in some shit and cant upload it cause of that
Nantendo 19.12
Hello everyone, where can I get a demo of fame 270 block?
asd123 19.12
Also gotta mention that Death difficulty maps are still a bit of a grey sector. After Hard difficulty , it becomes subjective more or less.
asd123 19.12
perfect skill* :D
asd123 19.12
dyd_bhop is literally the perfect Extreme map. If one has perfect, he will be able to pass it without failing. And then there's hfr_hb_toffifee , which is about the very limit. No matter how good you are , unless you get insanely lucky , you cannot do a run without fails.
asd123 19.12
@fufu For up to hard difficulty - there are standards written in [Articles > Mapping > Difficulty Criteria]. I personally believe Extreme maps should be possible nearly without fails if one has peak performance. While Death difficulty should be about game limit. Best references are dyd_bhop and hfr_hb_toffifee.
Kari 19.12
nvm i think i get the answer
Kari 19.12
how do we evaluate the difficulty of the map? according to what it should be or what it really is?
Kpoluk 19.12
@mad other players cannot post your demos for you. Describe the problem.
smrtsvima 18.12
guys i need help i cant post demos i got 2 cant fix the problem would someone post it for me
JocA 17.12
just save his origin when he goes /nc and then tp him back to it when he disables /nc...security issues were only on that poorly coded ProKreedz
Kpoluk 17.12
@arte_de_la_puerta you can get VIP1
B2U 17.12
@arte_de_la_puerta on clarion you can use noclip to go to your position, and go on texture and when you stop that exit from cs and enter server and that way you could pass whole map i one or two seconds, on kzrush you cant dp that for long time.Long time ago i also wanted that feature as you want but its like that beause of security reasons.
Right, then how about making teleporting to another player accessible yo everyone? Sometimes I want to show someone a jump but I have to: pause, go to start, hook to the end of the map.
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