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beterok lj strafe
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Кролик, тебе привет от Миши Юрочкина и Миши Дурова.
Как вы, бродяги; ханеесеры да скалолазы? Все рассекаем ветер на столе перед компьютером плавными движениями мышки, и иногда добавляем горизонтальные движения, но уже под столом? Все без изменений?
@Nucleo-Gamers , does he even have a run on that map?
Does anyone know why topovigyus never wanted to release kz_cliffez?
kz_anubis wr edit by Lws
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@dreamlike I've actually lost over 1000 points when doing 100aa runs and it's not a visual bug, it actually removes your points
I was very upset and angry and you lose confidence when you see that you are playing pro maps. now another problem does not work pre. see it before the jumps. maybe you have a bug. I made a demo. that I can prove.
its a bug when you pass a map thats not a "rating map". You don't really lose the points , and its just visual.
@FaL это где такое?
@overtinker "kz-rush steals my points, fuck this community" wtf...
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I don't understand the kzrush system, it steals my points every time and I have proof, kpoluck deleted me from discord, what kind of community is this?
@nokia По идее теперь старые ссылки тоже должны работать и перекидывать на новые. Можешь проверить?
@nokia релиз 21 мая прочитай. Я как понимаю все там
Добрый вечер! А куда пропалистатьи «Физика стрейфов/Физика lj»
aquatic scj compil
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вхахахахах что
@Kpoluk , fair point
@dReaMLike I've asked to add them, that's better than if there weren't any. It's still very risky for nocp runs, but at least it should be possible for a bunch of players. I gave a few comments regarding such cases in the latest newspost.
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