Архив чата
lj рекорды не планируются?
@Joca thank you friend
ok thanks
@PeZ0 actual limit now is 20. If you don't see any free slots there, it means you've already used your reserve vip slot to upload over the limit. I think it's unclear for user, but only lxr can change it.
@Evis, Sly is also not bad at jumping and knows the map well. I tortured him with tests))
how other guys can upload more demos while for me its showing max demo reached
@Evis dropzone is very skilled, so it's ok that he's so fast
hello bhopper, it's me, chichin's bastard from server. good bye and don't come back. :-)
@kpoluk weird times in top, there has to be a shortcut
@Nucleo welcome back amigo
chill in chatbox pls(
hello I wanted to know why there are no maps that are not on the list of records? for example bhop_aztec
Im not like inspare to use 100 steam to show my skills this is my one and only steam acc
Please test me how ever you want if you think im.that shity sleepless or idk who then pls do something
@Bhopper stop this show or I'll have to do the same.
And i want to thank fiveshot for baning me on cosy w/o reason ( i'm writing here because i can't login on cosy ) and yeah the time will aprove everything, he thinks i'm another player from macedonia. Bye and thanks .
@KLBKK abu_to_d3stra уже есть, kz_pegasus_d задержится до прихода lxr из-за размера архива, int_oblivion ждёт обновления, остальные две добавлю когда проверю, подготовлю скрины и заполню информацию в профилях.
@sadamaza новые замечания от mls уже ждут тебя, а так выносить в чат подобные обсуждения нежелательно
@Sly это не критично
а че, карты новые с хж будут на серверах?
Вроде hamma отписался шо там все поссибл