Последние рекорды серверов
Pro Nub


  1. Баны у нас довольно мягкие, но если вы считаете, что вас забанило случайно, то пишите сюда лог своего бана (чтобы получить лог, попытайтесь зайти на сервер, а потом скопируйте сюда то, что выдало в консоли).

    Мне не так важно, играли вы с читами или нет, мне нужно чтобы античит не давал ложных банов, поэтому подробно опишите свои действия перед баном - что делали в игре, что писали в консоли, может что-то меняли в настройках игры или конфиге, что-то нажали и т. д.
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 22.03.24 19:11
  2. @Kpoluk how should I proceed to uninstall and install the game?
  3. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16920249
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    Was doing a WJ on wxii_narrow. After WJing into a func_push block it kicked me and banned.
  4. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:794791008
    Reason: bhop hack
    Ban Length: Permanent

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    Hello, I would like to request an unban, unfortunately I used bind ,,jump;wait;jump on Gathers and classic public servers. Unfortunately, I was not aware that this bind is prohibited in your servers.
  5. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:521836357
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    зажал альт покрутился, вот такие дела на 14 дней забанил сервер, разбаньте админы пж я хочу играть
  6. @kokccc разбинди alt, на нём стоит +strafe, который используется в скриптах. В следующий раз разбанивать не буду.
  7. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:12840745
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2024-01-08 12:40:43

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    побхопил ( фоги выпали 2 2 1 вроде как) и забанило
  8. @hedqi бан автоматом за игру из 2019 на dyd_bhop (тогда античит такое не ловил). Будем считать, что срок давности истёк, разбан дал. Но такие вещи лучше на сервер больше не тащить, второго бана с этой причиной достаточно для перманента.
  9. Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Connecting to
    Connection accepted by
    * Privileges set
    BUILD 3466 SERVER (0 CRC)
    Server # 17
    Couldn't find map maps/fu_plainhop.bsp, server will download the map
    Commencing connection retry to
    Connecting to
    Connection accepted by
    * Privileges set
    BUILD 3466 SERVER (0 CRC)
    Server # 17
    Couldn't open file overviews/fu_plainhop.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
    Couldn't open file overviews/fu_plainhop.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
    squirt is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    Scoring will not start until both teams have players

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:807181718
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2024-01-28 16:05:12

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    Что не так с биндами? Играю с одним конфигом больше 10 лет, проблем не было. И тут такое, куда скинуть конфиг, чтоб сказали что не так?
  10. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29660011
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2024-02-22 18:47:25

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    What is this about? I've also had a ban recently for wrong fps?
  11. @CamelCloud wrong movement variables, there are a lot of ways to achieve it, depends on what you were doing before the ban.
  12. @CamelCloud wrong movement variables, there are a lot of ways to achieve it, depends on what you were doing before the ban.

    Ye, I was messing with sidespeed on lan, forgot to change back. Probably that. Possible to remove ban? Thanks.
  13. @CamelCloud unbanned. Don't mess with settings.

  14. thanks
  15. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:224056444
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:


    Hello, I connected to the server and received a ban because I had a controller enabled, and I was testing if it works on 1.6. It worked, and after a while, I got banned. Probably my mistake :D
  16. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:4938009
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2024-03-11 18:41:40

    my left stick on xbox360 controller got bugged, started spinning around and got banned for it :D can you please lift this ban? thanks in advance :)
  17. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:455799470
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2024-03-13 18:45:53

    Привет, прыгал себе спокойно бхопом, и тут забанило за бхоп хак, удивительно, но читами никогда не пользовался. Конфигу больше 10 лет, может что-то изменилось в этой игре, и начало банить за какие-то команды, хотя все по дефолту стоит...
  18. @pohmelkzra бан за jump;wait скрипт. Уже не первый.
  19. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:442940130
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2024-03-21 22:08:29

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    got automaticlly banned when i tried to do dcj with m249 (100aa) on the very first jump?
    override is on 0, no macros, nothing.. help?
  20. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:3771520
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2024-03-28 20:22:25

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    pls unban idk wtf this is i already played on this server before, what does wrong movespeed even mean,,
    here is my steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/jakqv
    i wouldnt even cheat with this inventory and account, pls unban asap i want to play, thank you guys
    Отредактировано jqq 22.03.24 17:44
  21. @jqq describe your actions before the ban. asap.