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...and also to use hook but noclip is easier and faster.
@kpoluk @lxr I sometimes want to go to lj room/area, and almost always only way is to noclip to that.Can you make an option for position to do not reset after disabling noclip?
Nah, on LAN its all good, and on one other KZ rush server is working well too, so im not sure how its on my side :D
Try different mouse/client maybe. Servers are fine
@keeze it happens only on using Gsclient cs 1.6 which block some cmds, so maybe thats the reason..idk
@cstrike что со звуком ?)
does anybody know how to fix crash with current LAN pack state?
kz_kzfr_militarycamp in 3.23
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Ребята, всем привет! Отдам g500s, только за доставку заплатите, провод отдельно, нужно делать)
I use the plug-in, with Chinese name and English punctuation characters. Why does the saved demo disappear? Can someone tell me why?:(
@JocA yes, two times I had this issue that scroll was just not working every time I scroll with g402. restarting the pc helped for me both times, not sure if it is related to server though
@Kpoluk @lxr есть возможность сделать темную тему для сайта ?
mojito_xiaoheifenbhop in 2:39
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@Kpoluk ааа... изза фпс заблочена эта команда, печально(
dropzone lj compil
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на старых билдах и нонстиме ограничение фпс снимается через developer, на новых через override, сервер контролирует оба
@FaL ограничение можно снять командой fps_override ,ну а developer это режим разработчика
@abubas developer 0|1 - это ведь блокиратор FPS, где 1 - снятие ограничения FPS. За FPS больше 100 сервак тебя тупо кикает