Chatbox archive
I'm used to making things out of nothing. For example, CC often does this, just cheating. I also said that if I can record once, I can record twice, no matter what environment, server or LAN, so? I'm a liar:)or is anti cheating not advanced enough? hahaha
Wait, you’re going to claim that your runs are clean just because they got released? I think I have really bad news for you
Prohibition? i don't care. At least my kzrush record is clean. Kzrush forbids me. I can only say that kzrush belongs to XJ or CC, not kzrush
If? They are going to ban you :D
I don't need to apologize to you or anyone. Even if kzrush banned me, I won't be affected,Do you think XJ can dominate everything?Do you think you can stop all this, this is kzrush, not your kennel :)If everyone doesn't agree with me to upload records, I won't upload them again,and exit KZ: )You are bastard,Again, I don't like you, that's all:)
The audacity to even submit something :D you damn cockroach. Just strolling into kz-rush without any signs of apology. You send 4 garbage runs and you take that for a success, don’t you? Trust me that everyone except you is laughing.
Sorry for DP
You should be hiding in a cave somewhere far away from KZ. You’re only allowed to exist because new players have no idea who you are. Patchouli is sending regards, it was my pleasure helping her.
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I don't like you, that's all,:)you make me laugh
PMSA aka short term memory loss. Let me remind you how you got banned and castrated by patchouli in a single release. Have fun on kzcn
20-25 nah so many random jumps, probably 50-60 poss
@PeZ0 Perfect run will be I guess 15 minutes, topo can do in 20-25 minutes 🤣
only sub 60 is worth recording
@shagy Nicco5 is our only hope.
Did someone record the new run from topo on nantu d ?
Life is relative
минус 22рубля
@Lifestealer+ такое у всех
@Lifestealer+ общая проблема
stop with the trolling. hard jumps are not relative.
1.6 не перестаёт удивлять. Теперь у меня steam cs - non steam.
На серверах вижу не у всех аватарки, просматривая игроков в текущей игре - пусто. При попытке зайти на SS Kreedz пишет, что non steam клиенты p48 недоступны на этом сервере.