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go away evis you fish u have no idea what ur talking about. hard jumps are all relative and they can come in all shapes, forms and situations
@B2U, 5 days...
Btw I could not find those orange arrows in citadel map
Woot woot heL ^_x here :o
Whats up legend heL^_x !?
pepi you talking about maps or memes? force fog1 is not death nor is 270 block
когда включится av сервер?
@pepi , thanks for the details !
@Spacegold once you get up to that level of difficulty its all subjective to the map. There could be several different jumps that could be rated "extreme" or "death" etc. Under the assumption that the player has a strong command of every technique in kz, jumps that could constitute a death map could include very technical jumps, very long jumps (i.e 270 dcj), 246 bhop, or a very hard bhop stage where you would have to manually manage your speed and force a 1 fog on certain bhops to make the jumps, etc. There is many jumps that would constitute a death map, and same for extreme and extreme-death. Take a look of runs on youtube and you might get a better idea of what I'm talking about.
@Qich Thanks for thinking about me, I apreciate it so much ♥️♥️♥️
@B2U, only 11 days remaining until your comeback, Can't wait!
@sekai Hi legend, best friend, kz scientist and bunch of stuff lol♥️
@sadamaza I dont wanna make fight or something similar with you but there are some maps that guy for which that map is made should be disapointed toward that mapper.Examoles are: hb_crackpot or hb_6das.
@b2u check hb_mls, it was maken at 1-2 hrs
hey guys , i'm very curious what's the difference between 'hard-extreme' , 'extreme' , 'extreme-death' and 'death' difficulties. I'll be very thankful if somebody can explain them the same way easier difficulties are explained in this article
@sadamaza 🤣 When I see how shit are many hb maps Im gonna make it for myself like gorbachev did 🤣
@b27 never
@sadamaza You really want to make me something?