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Page 283 of 659 << 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 >>
Seth 28.05
Thanks a lot!
taipan 28.05
Help! При запуске кс черный экран. При -nofbo в параметрах запуска все нормально, но с качеством картинки какая-то хрень. Можно ли решить проблему без -nofbo?
khanate 28.05
@Seth in uq_jumpstats/config.cfg it's the command "kz_uq_save_top"
Seth 28.05
Hey, any way to enable /lj10 (LJ Top) for LAN server using KZ Rush LAN Plugins?
Could someone could tell me name of config file where this is disabled?
Darling 28.05
@azino777 Сравнивал братан. всё равно не получается
Kpoluk 27.05
@Sachar it's opened always and it's emptied after each release (we've already had 3 releases since you first time asked about it).
Lux 27.05
Moderaters, can we add a notification wherein we can be notified when the demo submission be reopened? or has been opened?
azino777 27.05
@Darling попробуй IP сравнить, сервера переезжали вроде
Darling 27.05
Всем добрый день! У меня не работают Average, Extreme и Hard сервера. Пишет что сервер не отвечает. (Кс переустанавливал, кэш игры чистил) Помогите пожалуйста
JocA 26.05
translator ftw :D thanks arg & russian brothers
Creep 26.05
@swatter =D
rawe 26.05
DeathClaw, JocA.
swatter 26.05
@JocA это же дедклаш!
JocA 26.05
Who is akkuratist, some new player?
Lux 26.05
Guys I bhop consistently in kz rush server's but when I try to bhop on LAN server I lose gain and eventually, fail. What's the solution for this problem?
Dolphin 25.05
@Kpoluk ооо, вот это круто.
Kpoluk 25.05
@Irvin yeah good point, although registration won't be opened so early, cause even now we have a lot of cancels. I'll try to make maplist today after work.
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