Last server records
Pro Nub


  1. Our bans are quite short, but if you think that you were banned by accident, then write the log of your ban here (to get the log, try to log into the server, and then copy here what is displayed in the console).

    It’s not so important to me whether you played with cheats or not, I need the anti-cheat not to give false bans, so describe in detail your actions before the ban - what you did in the game, what you wrote in the console, maybe you changed something in the game settings or config, pressed something, etc.
    Edited by Kpoluk 22.03.24 19:11
  2. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:427282074
    Reason: Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2025-02-14 17:41:38

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Random ban, always was playing with the same settings and i have nothing changed and now randomly got banned.
    Edited by desuuu 31.01.25 17:51
  3. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:428576536
    Reason: Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2025-02-16 20:48:07

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    мб всему веной моя клавиатура на магнитах drunkdeer a75 pro - прыгал карту минут 5 и во время очередного прыжка выкинуло с сервера
  4. coring will not start until both teams have players

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156585022
    Reason: Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2025-02-12 16:43:54

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Ниче не делал прост карту какую то прыгал забанило
  5. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:129937403
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:


    casually entered this night tried to make backwards bhop then i got banned for nothing (got some binding for it btw)
  6. Couldn't open file overviews/hfr_vault_h.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
    Couldn't open file overviews/hfr_vault_h.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
    ghp. is joining the Counter-Terrorist forceScoring will not start until both teams have players************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47714978
    Reason: Jump Spam
    Ban Length: 2 hours
    Unban Time: 2025-02-10 12:50:27
    Чё это такое?:
  7. @ghp двухчасовой бан за спам команды прыжка
  8. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142148901
    Reason: Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    The only thing i can think of is snap-tap was activate i dont know if thats a problem or not i havent played in some time eveything besides that was as always the same
  9. @space read the newspost for February 2nd.
  10. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:427282074
    Reason: Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2025-02-28 18:22:02

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Again same shit this is hilarious...
  11. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37202249
    Reason: Snap Tap
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    Probably is my : Keykron k2 "optical switch low profile white"
    Was trying pass this map with ak "mls_ljrace" on duck-bhop zone and doing 2strafes to get around 260 pre .

    Unlucko on cs2 sometimes have keyautomation =(

    Thank for everything :) have nice day ^^
  12. wtf bro...
  13. Ник =KrOvAvIu D}I{oH=
    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:226669636
    Reason: Snap Tap
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2025-03-07 11:42:44
    Снап тап не использую, есть какой-то алиас, тип посоветовал, но я не вижу разницы что с ним что без него. Уберу его в таком случае раз мешает.
    Единственное что я заметил в нем, если зажать клавишу ходьбы в любую сторону, следом начать на противомоложную, моделька не остановится (как это обычна и бывает) а продолжить пусть в направлении последней нажатой клавиши. Если надо, то могу сюда скинуть что там.
    Играл кстати на 100аа, там меня не банит за это
    Edited by Squ1rrel 21.02.25 11:53
  14. @Squ1rrel snap tap и твой скрипт дают одинаковый эффект, видишь ты сам эту разницу или нет. Разбана не будет. Следующий бан станет перманентным.
  15. KaMi:

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37202249
    Reason: Snap Tap
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    Probably is my : Keykron k2 "optical switch low profile white"
    Was trying pass this map with ak "mls_ljrace" on duck-bhop zone and doing 2strafes to get around 260 pre .

    Unlucko on cs2 sometimes have keyautomation =(

    Thank for everything :) have nice day ^^

    Hello again , i wanna know if i will get restored "my runs" from servers or just i will lost them...
    If will be like that i really will be so sad because of the time and entusiast i played/spent in the server .
    This keyboard like as i mentioned is optical , but i can´t change the way of "SNAP-TAP" because this one doesnt have that software... and sorry wasnt "k2" is version "k3" is just optical and for sure the way it does signals make anti-cheat pop-up...
    Sorry for bother
  16. @KaMi your records are illegal so they won't be restored.
  17. @Kpoluk Well... then delete community records cuz were done with same "keyboard",since 1 year using it and never had isue on server why it didnt pop up earlier =(

    Because it seems that I can't show evidence or anything to prove that I didn't use snap-tap, this keyboard is simply optical and when I press the keys quickly your anti-cheat can jump.
    When I haven't used any script or anything out of the ordinary other than a keyboard and a mouse.

    If I really can't do anything, I will have no choice and I will accept it.

    Have great day :)!
    Edited by KaMi 03.03.25 15:08
  18. @KaMi your community records don't have snap tap/null script traces, so I won't remove it. As for server records, quick pressing of buttons cannot lead to the ban, and this issue didn't pop up earlier cause there wasn't such check before. I'm working on server plugins including anticheat through all these years, so it's updated from time to time.
  19. @Kpoluk ,thanks for that quick answers
    So that community records are like "proof" that this keyboard sometimes at 0.1% pop-up the "SNAP-TAP" due to my keyboard... , so even if at that 0.1% detects snap-tap i will get ban?
    The day i got BAN , i was playing like 2hours and had no issue (maybe server plugging needs more time to detect and ban someone , i dont know) and i think days before i was playing without any issue.

    Nice to know anticheat is improving :)