Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

dr0_swamplands ( Cosy-Climbing) 21.05.2011
Cosy-Climbing record Cupe - 07:27.87

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  dropsys

Pro-record zver - 12:08.65

Nub-record ON1___Zuck_it! - 09:41.05 (272 cp / 61 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Long

Download map dr0_swamplands (2,32 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 zver 10aa 12:08.65 06.04.23
2 Chrizzy 10aa 13:18.05 01.03.25
3 elvis 10aa 13:38.61 29.11.21
4 Hong10 10aa 13:41.23 18.06.21
5 Shinzo 10aa 14:58.40 15.03.21
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 ON1___Zuck_it! 100aa 09:41.05 20.07.23 272 61
2 Dislike12574 10aa 09:52.44 20.07.23 252 42
3 dJOKSi;_kz- 10aa 09:59.55 22.04.21 270 52
4 sp[) 10aa 10:08.78 25.05.22 255 53
5 jabroni 10aa 10:09.75 08.06.21 260 67
6 selcYc 10aa 10:12.10 27.03.25 276 37
7 nep4uk 10aa 10:20.93 16.03.25 313 53
8 Al9 10aa 10:54.12 22.04.21 350 44
9 golden_lila 10aa 10:54.45 17.03.22 285 66
10 snegg 10aa 10:56.24 01.03.25 235 92
11 sTr1kEr`fOx[wOw]~ 10aa 10:57.30 16.03.25 269 80
12 HELLBOUND 10aa 11:07.07 25.05.22 276 82
13 grumie 10aa 11:19.57 22.04.21 226 117
14 axwell 10aa 11:20.74 22.04.21 309 86
15 GoEasy 10aa 11:34.02 16.03.25 314 83
16 zza 10aa 11:41.61 07.12.21 240 96
17 Lightning_McQueen 10aa 11:45.47 27.03.25 267 80
18 noob 10aa 11:51.66 22.04.21 298 69
19 mistik 10aa 11:51.80 29.11.21 276 93
20 an4ous 10aa 11:53.61 16.03.25 165 90
21 HaMMa 10aa 11:58.88 22.04.21 252 85
22 pL 10aa 12:07.85 01.03.20 299 96
23 W1nS 10aa 12:10.28 08.06.21 292 79
24 rapier 10aa 12:10.36 01.05.23 322 92
25 AlexGood 10aa 12:13.58 01.03.25 357 99
26 Sjkeeeee 100aa 12:16.22 12.10.24 337 79
27 ernestik92 10aa 12:21.19 25.05.22 294 104
28 Made_In_Latvia 10aa 12:29.89 01.03.25 286 114
29 ACID_THUNDER 10aa 12:30.09 27.10.20 223 118
30 lapchatiygusツ_(ne_letit) 10aa 12:33.39 16.03.25 342 92
31 slovaed 100aa 12:43.58 27.03.25 359 131
32 OmeGa_ 10aa 13:01.88 01.03.25 142 74
33 CyberTourist 10aa 13:30.74 26.08.23 286 113
34 csm_PreFect 10aa 13:31.18 08.06.21 430 133
35 nindzhia 100aa 13:33.99 04.07.23 345 113
36 Massimo 10aa 13:35.05 01.03.25 331 172
37 Presive 10aa 13:35.73 01.03.20 255 105
38 Flomaster 10aa 13:37.26 01.03.20 329 121
39 psy. 10aa 13:37.70 01.03.20 296 132
40 Harley 10aa 13:46.11 03.09.20 438 158
41 pretty 10aa 13:55.40 01.03.25 316 118
42 jord 10aa 14:05.96 13.05.24 313 137
43 Jopka 100aa 14:08.60 13.05.24 367 124
44 Dragan_zvani_Zoki 10aa 14:16.07 26.08.23 264 122
45 k 10aa 14:19.99 25.05.21 274 157
46 Kaori 10aa 14:23.60 03.09.22 252 105
47 fuu 10aa 14:32.96 16.05.24 379 181
48 Maus 10aa 14:36.62 25.05.22 306 149
49 33 10aa 14:40.05 27.03.25 343 150
50 govnopoedatel 100aa 14:50.28 16.03.25 360 138
51 salaga 10aa 14:52.73 01.03.25 211 106
52 R3AL 10aa 15:19.62 17.03.22 306 178
53 apo 10aa 15:20.41 25.05.22 455 130
54 HIMOM 10aa 15:25.59 01.03.25 298 173
55 r33d 10aa 15:25.75 29.11.21 253 159
56 Steffe 100aa 15:41.98 30.03.24 294 163
57 sgstullsss 10aa 15:44.03 26.08.23 312 236
58 yaoi 10aa 15:52.80 16.03.25 285 189
59 untu 10aa 15:56.64 26.08.23 293 103
60 A.A 10aa 16:10.33 08.06.21 399 175
61 joshminer 10aa 16:31.81 13.05.24 307 210
62 PuFF 10aa 16:42.88 16.03.25 480 165
63 NOOBIK 10aa 16:48.27 10.10.21 378 142
64 Player 10aa 16:52.87 25.05.22 376 182
65 uNhl 10aa 17:12.75 22.04.21 340 228
66 ScathD 10aa 17:33.59 01.03.25 367 174
67 crumb 10aa 18:09.57 07.12.21 418 153
68 Euro 10aa 18:10.61 07.12.21 244 212
69 tolyatti 10aa 18:24.73 27.10.20 318 186
70 CETUS_Traceur 10aa 18:49.85 16.03.25 286 321
71 Dodik 10aa 19:04.01 01.03.25 432 176
72 Madara 10aa 19:21.09 01.03.25 474 183
73 IDs^^ 10aa 19:34.31 16.03.25 241 257
74 SS_Derrick 100aa 20:51.27 01.03.25 455 242
75 1uke 10aa 22:54.98 27.03.25 245 318
76 SxJ^Jumbo 10aa 28:27.54 20.07.23 340 477
77 NGIGER 10aa 33:18.78 29.11.21 336 469

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