Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

notkz_jumpzone ( Cosy-Climbing) 23.05.2011
Cosy-Climbing record Cupe - 02:23.78

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  bruin

Pro-record colcolx - 02:30.41

Nub-record SlasHeR - 03:09.07 (63 cp / 5 gc)

Difficulty Easy

Length Middle

Download map notkz_jumpzone (5,65 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 colcolx 10aa 02:30.41 09.05.23
2 sl1wzz 10aa 03:07.42 03.07.23
3 nokia 10aa 03:27.50 27.03.25
4 zver 10aa 03:31.66 02.04.23
5 Hong10 10aa 03:37.77 10.10.20
6 SlasHeR 10aa 03:47.44 28.06.21
7 avivVv 10aa 04:04.31 05.01.21
8 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 04:23.33 21.05.23
9 SL1kroL 10aa 04:38.69 07.04.21
10 Sk0WERZZS. 10aa 05:41.23 07.04.21
11 Shinzo 10aa 05:41.60 16.11.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 SlasHeR 10aa 03:09.07 28.06.21 63 5
2 topoviygus 10aa 03:09.92 05.01.21 57 13
3 blessed 10aa 03:21.78 21.05.23 60 11
4 benga 10aa 03:35.10 02.04.23 74 19
5 Lightning_McQueen 10aa 03:38.76 27.03.25 75 16
6 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 03:44.68 24.03.22 84 16
7 mishko 10aa 03:44.94 02.04.21 86 15
8 Sly 10aa 03:46.66 02.04.21 74 17
9 kyrlik-myrlik 100aa 03:51.15 13.05.22 86 21
10 Bobanka 10aa 03:52.12 02.04.21 99 17
11 BR 10aa 03:55.42 07.04.21 53 21
12 Purity 10aa 03:58.48 02.04.23 70 16
13 chk 10aa 03:59.52 02.04.21 128 20
14 Xsi 10aa 04:01.52 24.03.22 41 24
15 wooo 10aa 04:03.19 28.10.19 86 15
16 Bean 10aa 04:07.41 24.03.22 57 25
17 ZIRO 10aa 04:07.58 24.03.22 87 26
18 stopban 10aa 04:09.22 31.12.20 91 27
19 Player 10aa 04:09.80 21.05.23 114 24
20 Arion 10aa 04:10.53 21.07.24 104 29
21 Kris 10aa 04:11.33 02.04.23 44 23
22 Pandemic 10aa 04:14.43 28.10.19 73 18
23 sludge_factory 10aa 04:16.97 27.03.25 98 31
24 krater 10aa 04:19.07 27.03.25 68 32
25 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 04:19.30 02.04.21 96 34
26 rck 10aa 04:20.18 14.11.24 72 25
27 Moroesxx 10aa 04:23.45 02.04.23 91 34
28 rapier 10aa 04:23.88 02.04.21 109 21
29 one-two 10aa 04:31.94 30.06.21 103 35
30 Zak 10aa 04:35.98 22.06.20 136 29
31 kobra 100aa 04:36.02 28.07.23 89 30
32 Crazy 10aa 04:36.13 20.06.20 61 31
33 promax 10aa 04:36.93 20.06.20 60 39
34 Riots 10aa 04:37.71 31.12.20 91 24
35 AlexGood 10aa 04:40.66 27.03.25 106 26
36 inactive 10aa 04:43.02 24.03.22 74 23
37 exodus 10aa 04:43.80 28.10.19 101 39
38 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 04:44.93 29.10.19 91 32
39 Master_Me4a 10aa 04:47.16 29.10.19 137 18
40 W1nS 10aa 04:51.16 07.04.21 78 17
41 asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasda 10aa 04:52.15 22.01.24 78 36
42 theon1y 10aa 04:52.39 21.05.23 138 36
43 koshmar_da 10aa 04:56.92 21.05.23 97 44
44 leaveR^ 10aa 04:58.72 07.04.21 66 30
45 GoEasy 10aa 05:00.74 14.11.24 94 21
46 monowii 10aa 05:05.33 10.10.20 118 47
47 Stanley 10aa 05:07.61 20.06.20 97 38
48 kobra 10aa 05:09.92 28.07.23 97 59
49 hymm4sssS 10aa 05:13.42 22.06.20 94 32
50 KaHapeuKa.brn 10aa 05:17.82 15.10.22 89 47
51 HaMMa 10aa 05:19.44 02.04.21 63 38
52 csm_PreFect 10aa 05:21.47 16.11.20 116 32
53 pano 10aa 05:21.75 21.05.23 96 47
54 urpay 10aa 05:24.41 02.04.23 100 45
55 SL1kroL 10aa 05:28.66 07.04.21 45 25
56 termik 10aa 05:30.38 02.04.23 43 26
57 qwxxded 10aa 05:30.45 28.07.23 89 47
58 fRozJkeee 10aa 05:31.13 23.06.23 81 62
59 MuggEn 10aa 05:31.61 24.03.22 36 39
60 shigaraki 10aa 05:32.79 21.09.23 75 51
61 HeyHo 10aa 05:34.11 28.10.19 100 48
62 JustDoItT 10aa 05:38.49 30.06.21 123 36
63 B.A_Babi_Joka 10aa 05:40.86 29.10.19 57 39
64 moxy 10aa 05:46.30 24.03.22 102 47
65 Madcat 10aa 05:47.61 28.10.19 111 49
66 Chlenix_v2.0 10aa 05:49.09 30.06.21 86 42
67 Dimitri 10aa 05:49.46 02.04.21 77 52
68 inj3ct0r. 10aa 05:51.51 20.06.20 103 61
69 kocm 10aa 05:52.18 20.06.20 106 45
70 Frostinskiy 10aa 05:57.41 24.03.22 79 51
71 oRR 10aa 06:00.16 02.04.21 101 51
72 VelikoeMnojestvo 10aa 06:12.09 28.07.23 98 45
73 dEN1 10aa 06:16.68 07.04.23 148 58
74 Canis_Lupus 10aa 06:17.79 21.05.23 82 48
75 sic 10aa 06:19.91 20.06.20 82 67
76 dfgjmdfjkgdg 10aa 06:23.13 23.06.23 108 58
77 Isterik@ 10aa 06:24.15 15.02.23 113 50
78 Hyperactiv 10aa 06:29.66 02.04.23 72 75
79 oDD1 100aa 06:31.86 17.02.24 99 66
80 domidy 10aa 06:34.45 21.05.23 60 50
81 paubani 100aa 06:36.02 21.05.23 56 49
82 walkthedog 10aa 06:37.81 07.08.20 121 49
83 kvark 10aa 06:39.42 24.03.22 94 84
84 goroshQ 10aa 06:45.18 23.06.23 114 83
85 Maus 10aa 06:47.27 22.01.24 124 64
86 Supersonic 10aa 06:48.64 21.07.24 116 54
87 OLLEVM 10aa 06:51.81 20.06.20 83 74
88 shadow 10aa 06:54.03 21.05.23 145 76
89 Adoptado 10aa 06:56.08 21.05.23 88 48
90 atopsgaming 10aa 07:03.07 20.06.20 124 83
91 hs 10aa 07:14.40 01.07.23 90 82
92 AK47 10aa 07:15.45 24.03.22 130 76
93 ~_Heseet!_) 10aa 07:17.16 24.03.22 93 82
94 well-mannered_folk 10aa 07:18.83 22.01.24 65 81
95 byob 10aa 07:21.69 27.03.25 77 57
96 KubikS 10aa 07:29.59 03.07.23 99 70
97 YANAGI 10aa 07:31.75 22.01.24 89 90
98 SS_Derrick 10aa 07:31.94 02.04.23 153 77
99 votaky_nepвый_nog_CoлнцeM 10aa 07:36.17 28.10.19 82 46
100 Rentak 10aa 07:37.96 03.07.23 128 109
101 Bla^ 10aa 07:54.41 02.04.23 50 47
102 ACID_THUNDER 10aa 07:59.83 07.04.21 74 88
103 Gelions 10aa 07:59.94 27.08.21 107 78
104 SylviaFallfor 10aa 08:18.77 21.09.23 107 100
105 Mozart 10aa 08:28.99 16.11.20 106 99
106 luw4uk 10aa 09:00.58 21.07.24 86 75
107 AvAl0N 10aa 09:15.06 07.04.21 132 104
108 duri 10aa 09:36.34 22.06.20 83 152
109 Dodik 10aa 09:50.07 27.03.25 133 117
110 jend0s 10aa 09:50.96 22.01.24 48 74
111 Vodilo58 10aa 10:00.31 31.12.20 129 202
112 Maria 100aa 10:07.19 21.05.23 110 109
113 ScathD 10aa 10:11.77 27.03.25 118 128
114 Jopka 100aa 10:23.07 03.07.23 106 111
115 Winx___водник_дунул 10aa 11:02.53 22.06.20 103 125
116 Louai 10aa 11:04.90 03.07.23 56 103
117 Hy6a4ok 10aa 11:06.81 20.06.20 95 141
118 龙YlonKot风` 10aa 11:59.84 21.05.23 112 201
119 SS_Derrick 100aa 12:01.84 02.04.23 165 148
120 bluntsfromthecrypt 10aa 12:02.34 20.06.20 137 168
121 EneX 10aa 12:11.56 23.06.23 107 137
122 stimorol 10aa 13:20.03 02.04.23 116 66
123 Tomsgu 10aa 13:33.39 29.10.19 82 127
124 qoqo 10aa 16:10.87 28.07.23 96 236
125 ЧУДНОЙ_h4rd 10aa 21:14.20 22.06.20 111 221
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Sly 10aa 05:36.01 16.11.20 90 48
2 csm_PreFect 10aa 05:41.74 16.11.20 140 55
3 sic 10aa 08:04.10 20.06.20 99 127

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