Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

5oXen_vvn1ght_v10 ( Cosy-Climbing) 20.01.2024
Cosy-Climbing recordUnknown

KZ-Rush record Juby - 02:24.77

Mapper  5oXen

Pro-record ShoCk - 02:32.02

Nub-record ON1___Zuck_it! - 02:52.95 (38 cp / 1 gc)

Difficulty Easy

Length Short

Download map 5oXen_vvn1ght_v10 (1,51 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Juby 02:24.77   11.03.24
2 Rec 02:46.27 -00:21.50 22.09.24
3 elaine 02:48.87 -00:24.10 18.02.24
4 tasi 02:50.88 -00:26.11 04.03.25
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 ShoCk 10aa 02:32.02 15.02.24
2 sadcuzdead 10aa 02:35.92 15.02.24
3 rach 10aa 02:40.62 23.11.24
4 sl1wzz 10aa 02:42.35 15.02.24
5 Hong10 10aa 02:43.37 16.03.24
6 CamelCloud 10aa 02:46.18 29.11.24
7 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 02:48.65 28.08.24
8 incon 10aa 02:53.36 15.02.24
9 RichTheUglySock 10aa 02:55.40 23.11.24
10 Aleshka 10aa 02:57.70 16.03.24
11 SlasHeR 10aa 02:58.76 15.07.24
12 Toff1fee 10aa 03:00.85 15.02.24
13 Lipton 10aa 03:07.02 12.10.24
14 inactive 10aa 03:12.19 29.02.24
15 promax 10aa 03:18.02 10.09.24
16 alma 100aa 03:18.46 20.01.25
17 chmod 10aa 03:19.94 13.05.24
18 ahful- 10aa 03:20.55 22.02.24
19 不会跳图 10aa 03:25.28 29.02.24
20 Koce 10aa 03:26.35 30.09.24
21 ddevil 10aa 03:27.79 12.09.24
22 HIMOM 10aa 03:28.70 16.03.24
23 qbig 10aa 03:29.51 13.02.24
24 techno 10aa 03:29.84 01.11.24
25 bywhAt 10aa 03:30.47 02.03.24
26 CTouK 10aa 03:31.83 15.02.24
27 ness 10aa 03:33.23 28.08.24
28 Chrizzy 10aa 03:36.76 29.11.24
29 Niclas0711 10aa 03:40.29 23.04.24
30 y0rken 100aa 03:40.31 18.01.25
31 Fksch 10aa 03:40.98 21.04.24
32 era 10aa 03:43.65 30.04.24
33 Sddz 10aa 03:44.16 15.02.24
34 sleepy 10aa 03:46.15 24.02.24
35 rapier 10aa 03:47.72 02.03.24
36 TyIIIkA 10aa 03:47.85 29.02.24
37 CzerwonaPanda 100aa 03:49.53 07.05.24
38 kypon` 10aa 03:50.64 20.10.24
39 Eneu 10aa 03:53.41 29.11.24
40 Eneu 100aa 03:56.65 29.11.24
41 Gramm 100aa 03:56.65 02.07.24
42 JustDoItT 10aa 03:57.63 22.02.24
43 dfgjmdfjkgdg 10aa 03:58.45 23.09.24
44 FLYAAREN 10aa 04:00.98 15.02.24
45 bidjan 10aa 04:02.02 02.03.24
46 Whosthat 10aa 04:06.55 13.11.24
47 goeasy 10aa 04:07.70 13.11.24
48 zedbee 10aa 04:08.49 28.08.24
49 HACPAHO 10aa 04:08.49 15.04.24
50 Hao 10aa 04:08.84 15.02.24
51 13inchveinymonster 10aa 04:11.66 18.01.25
52 ufame 100aa 04:14.63 09.02.25
53 JohnD 10aa 04:16.23 29.02.24
54 KavabanGa 10aa 04:25.52 15.02.24
55 swag 10aa 04:32.24 02.03.24
56 BLORIK 10aa 04:41.26 12.03.24
57 zver 10aa 04:50.00 26.02.24
58 eog 10aa 04:52.76 18.01.25
59 y0rken 10aa 04:55.15 18.01.25
60 kotV 10aa 04:55.28 24.05.24
61 FL_Studio_21 100aa 04:59.49 07.04.24
62 fms 10aa 05:00.93 16.01.25
63 ploydi 10aa 05:01.92 28.05.24
64 pano 10aa 05:03.32 21.04.24
65 Jopka 100aa 05:05.20 23.11.24
66 BL^ME 10aa 05:11.02 23.11.24
67 orewko 100aa 05:12.73 15.03.24
68 Radioactive 10aa 05:13.92 15.02.24
69 Meiling 10aa 05:32.17 16.06.24
70 asdasdasd 10aa 05:34.04 23.11.24
71 Edd 10aa 05:47.31 09.03.25
72 orewko 10aa 05:47.77 15.03.24
73 GLHF 10aa 05:53.38 29.09.24
74 KΞlViN-A-SiU 10aa 06:04.34 18.01.25
75 CrayFish 10aa 06:11.78 29.02.24
76 CzerwonaPanda 10aa 06:17.21 07.05.24
77 asdddddddddddddddd 10aa 07:44.38 02.03.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 inmundo 100aa 05:03.46 07.04.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 ON1___Zuck_it! 100aa 02:52.95 29.11.24 38 1
2 Rec 10aa 02:55.04 28.08.24 31 2
3 rach 10aa 02:56.26 23.11.24 27 3
4 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 03:04.21 24.05.24 47 3
5 thebig4l 100aa 03:14.79 24.10.24 32 4
6 ahful- 10aa 03:15.64 22.02.24 50 3
7 rck 10aa 03:16.23 23.11.24 55 4
8 dophamine 10aa 03:19.43 10.09.24 38 4
9 Aleshka 10aa 03:23.74 16.03.24 36 1
10 shonevameh 10aa 03:34.46 07.05.24 46 7
11 Mblwka 100aa 03:41.57 16.02.25 64 11
12 2919 100aa 03:43.21 01.03.25 52 12
13 NoSkill_! 100aa 03:43.82 20.01.25 62 5
14 CyMPAK 10aa 03:52.44 22.02.24 69 11
15 JustDoItT 10aa 03:53.89 12.02.24 87 11
16 leet. 100aa 03:55.05 15.02.24 64 4
17 CETUS_Traceur 10aa 04:01.44 29.11.24 74 16
18 Instagram__Podpowiesz 10aa 04:02.22 15.02.24 78 7
19 Supersonic 10aa 04:04.98 02.03.24 67 2
20 sloniki 10aa 04:05.47 22.02.24 41 6
21 promax 10aa 04:06.71 10.09.24 38 15
22 BARBADOS 10aa 04:06.80 29.11.24 64 9
23 Sjkeeeee 100aa 04:07.74 30.07.24 78 6
24 Euro 10aa 04:16.29 24.05.24 56 13
25 Fksch 10aa 04:18.22 10.09.24 64 25
26 Sheik 100aa 04:23.51 07.04.24 12 4
27 Player 10aa 04:25.98 10.09.24 54 23
28 FLYAAREN 10aa 04:28.31 15.02.24 57 17
29 MAKESOMEMAYHEM. 10aa 04:34.49 13.11.24 71 26
30 eog 10aa 04:36.68 16.06.24 86 11
31 inmundo 100aa 04:44.53 07.04.24 55 12
32 Force.Crh 10aa 04:56.22 15.03.24 65 12
33 Hao 10aa 05:39.44 15.02.24 69 34
34 blue_devil 10aa 05:53.94 29.02.24 61 17
35 kzbestlegend 10aa 07:24.33 13.11.24 139 76
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 JohnD 10aa 04:34.43 29.11.24 134 18

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