Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kzcn_hkimemoryblock ( Cosy-Climbing) 02.05.2020
Cosy-Climbing record marc0z] - 02:55.45

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  weixinii

Pro-record colcolx - 02:40.06

Nub-record slovaed - 02:55.35 (69 cp / 5 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Middle

Download map kzcn_hkimemoryblock (633,57 KB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 colcolx 10aa 02:40.06 23.05.23
2 MiXiEEE 100aa 02:51.92 21.09.24
3 HACPAHO 10aa 03:20.48 10.02.24
4 SlasHeR 10aa 03:22.26 28.08.22
5 Hong10 10aa 03:30.12 03.06.23
6 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 03:31.03 18.03.21
7 BLORIK 10aa 03:51.17 10.02.24
8 paxmas 100aa 04:11.92 07.06.24
9 avivVv 10aa 04:14.79 18.03.21
10 qbig 10aa 04:29.43 28.05.24
11 eeN 10aa 04:33.69 29.03.23
12 Niclas0711 10aa 04:48.12 28.08.22
13 JohnD 10aa 05:08.38 27.02.25
14 SL1kroL 10aa 05:14.28 18.05.21
15 Spaetiem 10aa 05:18.39 03.11.20
16 jigsaw 10aa 05:20.04 24.10.23
17 zver 10aa 05:43.53 26.03.24
18 JustDoItT 10aa 05:45.70 07.08.21
19 back2basics 10aa 05:51.00 17.07.22
20 Shinzo 10aa 05:52.43 28.01.21
21 Boxes 10aa 06:04.76 17.07.22
22 vladik 10aa 06:24.58 02.12.24
23 abubas 10aa 06:37.32 18.05.21
24 jord 10aa 06:50.08 28.05.24
25 Telegin 10aa 08:18.19 03.05.22
26 rune 10aa 08:21.97 18.10.22
27 rapier 10aa 09:13.35 18.03.21
28 NANOKITTY 10aa 11:31.21 21.08.24
29 Pato_z_Vrboveho 10aa 12:22.15 10.02.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 slovaed 100aa 02:55.35 27.02.25 69 5
2 MiXiEEE 100aa 03:27.82 21.09.24 47 6
3 sadgds 10aa 03:47.94 18.10.22 77 16
4 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 03:50.89 18.03.21 78 9
5 EchO_o 10aa 03:52.76 28.06.22 79 14
6 lai 10aa 03:53.40 18.03.21 87 12
7 uber 10aa 04:01.27 21.08.24 93 17
8 JustDoItT 10aa 04:03.88 07.08.21 87 6
9 incorrect_nick 10aa 04:23.34 27.02.25 59 23
10 HACPAHO 10aa 04:45.45 10.02.24 105 26
11 rapier 10aa 05:05.36 18.03.21 76 17
12 KaHapeuKa.brn 10aa 05:13.13 18.03.21 89 31
13 pepi 10aa 05:18.10 03.11.20 72 22
14 termik 10aa 05:24.18 27.02.25 39 15
15 Shockwave 10aa 05:35.60 31.07.24 88 18
16 timex 10aa 05:54.86 07.08.21 52 32
17 na4 10aa 06:05.49 15.08.20 85 38
18 vanko_ubieca 10aa 06:06.04 02.06.23 83 32
19 .h4m 10aa 06:07.16 18.03.21 82 30
20 NooBik 10aa 06:10.40 28.08.22 107 24
21 here_I_belong 10aa 06:12.35 28.08.22 62 32
22 nickname 10aa 06:21.37 03.05.22 78 32
23 wlodi 10aa 06:22.78 27.02.25 75 32
24 Chooglin 10aa 06:23.43 11.07.22 82 30
25 crouzl 10aa 06:34.74 18.03.21 72 51
26 Drawh1st0ry 10aa 06:39.00 27.02.25 99 31
27 DeadRon1n 10aa 06:39.97 28.05.24 53 26
28 MythQuaza 100aa 06:46.41 03.05.22 78 34
29 acid303 10aa 06:55.27 07.06.24 115 45
30 mocks 10aa 06:58.09 28.08.22 112 52
31 o 10aa 07:05.55 07.06.24 169 41
32 fms 100aa 07:07.43 02.09.24 124 70
33 silver 10aa 07:31.49 03.05.22 63 28
34 Player 10aa 07:40.05 18.05.21 95 51
35 maiLyy 10aa 07:50.87 21.08.24 84 39
36 Kaori 10aa 07:52.49 11.07.22 78 45
37 untu 10aa 08:05.11 12.10.20 110 63
38 bayacca 10aa 08:05.30 10.02.24 85 17
39 IsterikA 10aa 08:12.02 18.10.22 101 41
40 dfgjmdfjkgdg 10aa 08:17.67 28.05.24 81 59
41 sdf 10aa 08:18.28 20.09.23 124 87
42 Loona 10aa 08:27.14 28.05.24 60 33
43 Spaetiem 10aa 08:31.45 03.11.20 77 59
44 CTouK 10aa 09:14.42 21.08.20 95 80
45 DeZ 10aa 12:56.46 28.08.22 74 136
46 Dinis_A. 10aa 13:18.28 03.11.20 148 137
47 jump 10aa 13:32.32 10.02.24 94 201
48 westheimer 10aa 14:05.45 21.08.24 88 173
49 westheimer 100aa 14:12.85 21.08.24 85 263
50 g0restw0w 10aa 25:42.77 21.08.24 100 279
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 JohnD 10aa 05:02.42 27.02.25 166 24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 uber 10aa 06:13.38 21.08.24 126 59

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