Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

gbc_kzz_prison_x ( Cosy-Climbing) 05.09.2016
Cosy-Climbing record Juby - 06:56.60

KZ-Rush record Juby - 06:56.60

Mapper  Gorbachev_x

Pro-record topoviygus - 03:28.78

Nub-record topoviygus - 04:17.47 (74 cp / 29 gc)

Difficulty Extreme

Length Middle

Download map gbc_kzz_prison_x (2,3 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Juby 06:56.60   26.11.21
# Player Time Difference CP GC Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 topoviygus 10aa 03:28.78 11.10.21
2 p 10aa 06:45.35 24.03.19
3 Juby 10aa 11:35.97 02.06.20
4 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 25:16.32 12.12.24
5 Hong10 10aa 27:20.55 08.11.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 topoviygus 10aa 04:17.47 11.10.21 74 29
2 p 10aa 04:54.83 24.03.19 51 22
3 dropzone 10aa 05:34.74 30.11.23 112 52
4 LLazar 10aa 06:43.44 31.10.21 103 81
5 PluDiko 10aa 06:58.10 18.01.24 94 87
6 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 07:19.07 12.12.24 108 121
7 boryz 10aa 07:26.81 12.01.25 139 77
8 Johnny 10aa 07:42.92 17.04.19 75 82
9 millyrock 10aa 07:50.50 30.11.23 87 92
10 Nesquick 10aa 07:56.02 30.11.23 76 86
11 AlDiabalos 10aa 08:00.98 31.10.21 136 107
12 Juby 10aa 08:17.71 07.02.24 61 57
13 dous 100aa 08:29.36 18.09.24 181 98
14 MEEL 10aa 10:23.29 17.04.19 94 141
15 EchO_o 10aa 10:28.22 11.12.24 152 133
16 nike 10aa 10:45.75 29.03.17 68 122
17 Aguslashx 10aa 11:10.79 07.02.24 72 150
18 Keita 10aa 11:11.41 02.06.20 93 84
19 xxx 100aa 12:50.57 04.12.24 112 171
20 uhh 10aa 13:02.88 30.06.24 150 215
21 dislike 10aa 13:21.58 17.04.19 115 187
22 Chichin 10aa 13:23.36 17.04.19 169 136
23 xirax 10aa 13:45.15 15.02.22 146 173
24 Rec 10aa 14:05.66 08.10.24 130 187
25 sadcuzdead 10aa 14:11.79 07.05.21 137 217
26 NeW 10aa 14:54.04 15.07.22 133 122
27 qbig 10aa 14:56.15 08.10.24 151 160
28 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 15:00.33 20.07.22 162 217
29 Kalashnikov 10aa 15:40.99 12.06.17 78 134
30 ` 10aa 15:45.71 03.02.25 149 225
31 BlizZz 10aa 16:17.15 30.06.22 167 223
32 synchro 10aa 17:02.84 01.07.24 148 351
33 zeze 10aa 17:11.83 18.01.24 121 291
34 Aleshka 10aa 17:19.05 05.02.24 152 245
35 REMBO5 10aa 17:30.88 04.04.19 186 246
36 iEsse 100aa 17:32.76 11.12.24 161 286
37 V4R10L4V3R4 10aa 18:18.33 18.01.24 191 305
38 PuKiS 10aa 18:27.21 30.06.22 125 143
39 kanu 10aa 19:23.63 15.01.25 133 268
40 react1ve 10aa 19:24.58 07.02.24 244 338
41 AeonFlux 10aa 19:56.26 04.10.21 93 335
42 inactive 10aa 19:59.95 05.02.24 210 355
43 rze 10aa 20:35.78 02.03.18 204 282
44 jungle 10aa 21:00.44 22.11.20 132 281
45 Speedwagoon 10aa 21:05.86 20.11.24 119 267
46 RichTheUglySock 10aa 21:45.95 05.02.24 237 374
47 Houston 10aa 22:16.26 07.02.24 212 341
48 California 10aa 22:20.32 26.12.22 114 183
49 odealo 10aa 22:33.00 13.03.24 116 302
50 oZ 10aa 22:40.44 17.03.18 194 294
51 DMITRY 100aa 23:05.87 23.01.24 153 328
52 aa 10aa 24:42.65 02.03.18 97 288
53 SlasHeR 10aa 28:15.81 30.06.22 107 464
54 drizz 10aa 28:36.09 24.03.19 139 344
55 Devaster 10aa 29:59.23 07.12.20 111 367
56 3ViL 10aa 30:37.98 20.11.24 219 522
57 hexiQ 10aa 31:06.03 14.01.22 115 455
58 hehe 10aa 31:35.65 22.12.22 202 554
59 Timmycakes 10aa 32:55.99 11.12.24 82 482
60 limit 10aa 33:24.44 08.07.19 258 475
61 T3D 10aa 33:37.00 22.11.20 102 423
62 Hong10 10aa 34:01.81 08.11.23 105 320
63 vsechnynickyobsazenejakublbych 10aa 34:32.45 19.07.19 153 447
64 mawka_kakawka 10aa 36:02.74 26.09.17 445 557
65 StraightRight 10aa 36:05.48 05.02.24 143 724
66 HaosMeDi 10aa 36:33.67 05.02.24 333 694
67 neXt._insilio 10aa 37:01.50 30.08.21 114 586
68 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 37:27.43 05.02.24 143 278
69 Riverside 10aa 39:18.35 03.02.25 295 634
70 jigsaw 10aa 41:01.63 07.02.24 176 704
71 Luxanity 10aa 41:10.95 20.11.24 351 813
72 Gorbachev_x 10aa 41:18.46 10.10.21 189 786
73 blackplastic 10aa 46:39.56 01.09.21 223 823
74 sAnd 10aa 52:55.59 06.12.17 214 821
75 raisu 10aa 53:02.20 13.03.24 317 912
76 Izgoy 10aa 54:42.50 04.10.21 134 885
77 shigaraki 10aa 58:01.13 12.01.25 395 1174
78 zver 10aa 58:15.70 08.02.23 203 908
79 SmileB4Death 10aa 61:47.14 05.02.24 287 1111
80 Zimok 10aa 64:19.83 24.03.19 182 1214
81 Qicg 10aa 74:25.30 31.10.21 266 1167
82 Fat_Tony 10aa 84:41.01 22.11.20 233 1274
83 9d^ 10aa 87:40.92 30.06.22 270 1498
84 Degmi 10aa 167:16.84 17.02.23 265 2475
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Ripzu 10aa 49:10.13 25.11.21 376 723
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 AlDiabalos 10aa 18:05.92 30.06.22 242 284

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