Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kzlt_imhotepia ( Cosy-Climbing) 26.09.2011
Cosy-Climbing record Axerial - 03:27.51

KZ-Rush record silentq - 04:46.21

Mapper  PeTardO

Pro-record Hong10 - 05:24.85

Nub-record Xsi - 03:46.48 (74 cp / 11 gc)

Difficulty Average

Length Middle

Download map kzlt_imhotepia (2,56 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 silentq 04:46.21   15.04.17
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 Hong10 10aa 05:24.85 29.11.21
2 freakofnature 10aa 05:44.85 21.10.24
3 Andro 10aa 07:36.53 31.03.19
4 zver 10aa 08:11.75 19.04.24
5 Shinzo 10aa 09:01.09 07.03.21
6 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 09:34.62 08.01.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Xsi 10aa 03:46.48 01.03.20 74 11
2 unz3s 10aa 04:00.54 31.03.19 97 7
3 SlasHeR 10aa 04:19.99 09.02.18 115 18
4 fykseN 10aa 04:35.08 01.09.19 120 25
5 silentq 10aa 04:38.51 21.01.17 108 22
6 hfour 10aa 04:38.93 27.11.18 98 21
7 Scrumpjax 10aa 04:47.28 14.02.20 87 35
8 fuckedyyyfuckeddd 10aa 04:49.74 18.09.21 114 32
9 Aurora 10aa 04:58.30 22.05.20 116 25
10 snegg 10aa 05:04.26 21.05.20 100 16
11 Shinzo 10aa 05:06.29 08.03.21 144 32
12 xenge 10aa 05:08.42 31.03.19 175 32
13 HaMMa 10aa 05:09.23 09.06.21 102 35
14 Madcat 10aa 05:12.44 29.09.22 123 37
15 [WS] 10aa 05:16.04 31.03.19 137 34
16 Johnny 10aa 05:20.15 01.09.19 63 39
17 erdik 10aa 05:26.36 11.02.17 131 38
18 Speedwagoon 10aa 05:27.42 01.09.19 102 41
19 paket 10aa 05:32.36 01.04.21 103 43
20 Izgoy 10aa 05:32.73 14.02.20 126 46
21 jabroni 10aa 05:33.22 27.09.22 117 38
22 `RaZzoX 10aa 05:35.55 29.06.24 153 26
23 Stanley 10aa 05:35.58 01.04.21 159 33
24 CoMeBaCK 10aa 05:38.22 09.06.21 126 40
25 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 05:41.39 31.03.19 121 45
26 Sly 10aa 05:43.51 14.06.22 137 50
27 Dmitrich! 10aa 05:44.07 29.11.19 107 35
28 all1aNcE 10aa 05:49.44 21.02.19 146 49
29 inactive 10aa 05:54.40 13.09.22 167 47
30 zmokiE 10aa 05:57.15 09.06.21 82 45
31 doz 10aa 06:00.99 31.03.19 70 43
32 Neurich 10aa 06:01.15 27.09.22 133 52
33 -Doppelganger- 10aa 06:04.10 21.05.20 147 53
34 Fat_Tony 10aa 06:17.77 21.05.20 177 64
35 PoweR 10aa 06:36.76 21.05.20 171 68
36 schurik 10aa 06:46.45 11.03.17 123 50
37 edZika 10aa 07:10.88 17.12.23 150 62
38 Evis 10aa 07:17.58 27.09.22 280 88
39 Falcon 10aa 07:25.68 09.06.21 110 87
40 uraraka 10aa 07:32.08 08.01.23 173 79
41 ZIRO 10aa 07:32.38 20.03.22 161 79
42 mTw___WizarDx_OяЋ 10aa 07:36.62 09.06.21 157 68
43 Master_Me4a 10aa 07:46.91 23.04.19 151 69
44 Bu3T 10aa 07:57.76 27.11.18 171 85
45 Gorbachev_x 10aa 08:02.55 12.06.18 111 87
46 Tihonya 10aa 08:06.51 01.08.17 134 104
47 Smoothie 10aa 08:10.72 31.03.19 124 100
48 Malachite 10aa 08:16.42 14.06.22 129 75
49 goeasy 10aa 08:18.70 26.11.24 158 97
50 tolyatti 10aa 08:19.03 17.04.20 149 92
51 EnoT 10aa 08:23.69 05.12.19 109 79
52 phersz 10aa 08:23.71 26.07.17 173 77
53 FEAR 10aa 08:42.71 24.10.19 126 93
54 gogi 10aa 08:45.51 10.10.22 116 127
55 HitMan 10aa 08:47.61 31.03.19 138 88
56 assaldkw 10aa 08:47.79 09.06.21 122 100
57 LOVEG 10aa 08:48.22 15.05.23 159 118
58 .mQ 10aa 08:51.66 24.11.18 105 93
59 mocks 10aa 09:15.54 29.09.22 171 121
60 oRR 10aa 09:17.56 23.04.19 157 97
61 rck 10aa 09:29.41 27.01.25 132 86
62 GoDfreee 10aa 09:32.86 11.03.17 131 84
63 ramen 10aa 09:52.96 14.06.22 186 121
64 dJOKSi;_kz- 10aa 09:57.59 09.06.21 202 142
65 rapier 10aa 10:01.30 15.05.23 174 136
66 Riots 10aa 10:22.11 10.10.22 149 118
67 MuggEn 10aa 10:22.49 20.03.22 56 143
68 kermaani 10aa 10:28.43 27.01.25 156 146
69 csm_PreFect 10aa 10:34.84 29.09.20 275 137
70 Get_Ready 10aa 11:01.72 08.01.23 199 192
71 HjG-KazmaN 10aa 11:13.26 24.11.19 141 170
72 el_sisi 10aa 11:14.11 20.03.22 144 168
73 HELLBOUND 10aa 11:15.43 20.03.22 183 148
74 中で死んでいる 10aa 11:16.75 08.01.23 179 167
75 Frutty 10aa 12:01.71 16.02.17 140 178
76 inj3ct0r. 10aa 12:03.06 14.02.20 152 196
77 Player 10aa 12:10.59 27.11.18 281 186
78 little_white_hippo 10aa 12:31.33 21.01.17 125 164
79 yaoi 10aa 13:21.94 18.08.24 173 183
80 Player 10aa 13:37.67 05.12.19 203 248
81 inso 10aa 15:26.24 18.06.17 180 186
82 Katzz 100aa 16:40.12 10.10.22 186 338
83 Kor_lobin_ma_frends 10aa 16:40.70 07.03.21 199 241
84 tennesen 10aa 17:03.96 17.04.20 109 305
85 bembel904 10aa 17:17.32 14.02.20 134 135
86 Hawaii 10aa 18:02.33 08.03.21 213 172
87 ptski 10aa 18:38.26 09.06.21 218 395
88 Mozart 10aa 19:14.63 07.03.21 150 376
89 Roman 10aa 20:00.67 27.09.22 283 344
90 come 10aa 27:06.26 08.01.23 231 568
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 zyllEE 10aa 09:24.72 08.10.20 84 118
2 abcdefg 10aa 17:07.89 24.11.19 171 292
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 zyllEE 10aa 06:30.33 08.10.20 81 49
2 uber 10aa 10:37.49 18.08.24 195 189

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