Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kzzNk_airbox ( Cosy-Climbing) 03.12.2021
Cosy-Climbing record colcolx - 02:15.67

KZ-Rush record colcolx - 02:15.67

Mapper  BluERaY-X

Pro-record colcolx - 02:15.59

Nub-record EchO_o - 02:32.95 (59 cp / 4 gc)

Difficulty Easy

Length Middle

Download map kzzNk_airbox (522,83 KB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 colcolx 02:15.67   02.04.23
2 Kris 02:29.42 -00:13.75 02.04.23
3 tasi 02:53.11 -00:37.44 22.04.23
4 era 03:26.69 -01:11.02 15.03.25
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 colcolx 10aa 02:15.59 27.03.23
2 Keita 10aa 02:16.56 24.03.23
3 Kris 10aa 02:32.52 24.03.23
4 EchO_o 10aa 02:35.02 14.03.24
5 Hong10 10aa 02:51.98 16.01.23
6 Madcat 10aa 02:54.95 17.08.23
7 Lifestealer+ 10aa 02:55.18 24.03.23
8 VErzuZ 10aa 03:00.99 24.03.23
9 Dowla 10aa 03:01.38 16.12.22
10 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 03:04.80 24.03.23
11 SlasHeR 10aa 03:08.35 08.10.22
12 PluDiko 10aa 03:11.32 23.04.22
13 termik 10aa 03:13.04 14.03.24
14 OneHP 100aa 03:16.75 06.05.24
15 FaL 10aa 03:23.42 24.03.23
16 V4R10L4V3R4 10aa 03:23.48 23.04.22
17 chmod 10aa 03:34.40 19.05.24
18 WrzodX 10aa 03:38.41 14.03.24
19 Fksch 10aa 03:42.91 30.04.24
20 Retaliate 10aa 03:42.96 28.12.24
21 era 10aa 03:43.63 04.03.25
22 gogi 100aa 03:49.38 16.12.22
23 nbdy 10aa 03:55.88 14.03.24
24 back2basics 10aa 03:56.53 11.05.22
25 3vilStar 10aa 03:57.17 24.03.23
26 Boxes 10aa 04:01.07 10.09.22
27 fallzerg 100aa 04:03.99 13.12.23
28 sludge_factory 10aa 04:04.96 28.10.24
29 Rachel 10aa 04:06.78 17.08.23
30 qbig 10aa 04:07.39 16.12.22
31 avivVv 10aa 04:15.46 24.03.23
32 customer 10aa 04:16.80 08.06.23
33 nep4uk 10aa 04:17.92 28.12.24
34 Adoptado 10aa 04:17.97 16.12.22
35 gogi 10aa 04:18.18 16.12.22
36 hehe 10aa 04:22.72 16.12.22
37 FazLa 10aa 04:25.04 24.03.23
38 DeadRon1n 10aa 04:26.93 14.03.24
39 rapier 10aa 04:29.33 11.05.22
40 Vasudeva 10aa 04:33.32 14.03.24
41 JohnD 10aa 04:35.58 14.03.24
42 lavaw 10aa 04:38.31 14.03.24
43 ernestik92 10aa 04:39.43 24.03.23
44 AlexGood 10aa 04:45.79 19.03.23
45 Bu3T 10aa 04:47.25 20.03.25
46 Pudge 10aa 04:47.29 27.07.24
47 Mordo 10aa 04:48.28 28.10.24
48 zver 10aa 04:48.49 21.02.24
49 orewko 100aa 04:51.63 14.03.24
50 ReNNeR 10aa 04:52.52 23.04.22
51 stoykeez 10aa 04:54.22 24.03.23
52 ag 10aa 05:02.89 24.03.23
53 asdasdasd 10aa 05:05.06 25.02.25
54 Maus 10aa 05:06.22 24.03.23
55 davos 10aa 05:08.11 24.03.23
56 ahl 10aa 05:12.94 01.08.23
57 orewko 10aa 05:14.15 14.03.24
58 CrackPoT 10aa 05:15.63 07.11.23
59 KNCbKA_CEPAR 10aa 05:19.03 24.03.23
60 CraP_._zUo 10aa 05:24.97 14.03.24
61 IMPaCT 100aa 05:27.52 24.03.23
62 Darling 10aa 05:31.12 11.05.22
63 YanaLapa 10aa 05:33.17 24.03.23
64 Momonga 10aa 05:55.66 10.09.22
65 asdfzola 10aa 06:03.66 28.12.24
66 rrrrd 10aa 06:08.27 19.03.23
67 GoEasy 10aa 06:14.48 28.12.24
68 Telegin 10aa 06:33.71 11.05.22
69 Kaori 10aa 06:36.25 17.06.22
70 SGr0B 10aa 06:41.81 25.02.25
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 EchO_o 10aa 02:32.95 14.03.24 59 4
2 f1zZ________[!] 10aa 02:48.07 17.05.22 72 1
3 Sly 10aa 02:52.66 23.04.22 53 4
4 Madcat 10aa 02:53.15 28.12.24 33 4
5 rach 10aa 03:00.85 24.03.23 55 2
6 mathu 10aa 03:04.76 30.09.24 68 1
7 PluDiko 10aa 03:20.11 23.04.22 53 8
8 sic_mundus_creatus_est 10aa 03:21.75 19.03.23 72 14
9 Slabko 10aa 03:29.13 19.03.23 74 7
10 polarbear 10aa 03:29.67 19.03.23 76 2
11 Speedwagoon 10aa 03:48.40 10.09.22 67 10
12 ZIRO 10aa 03:57.37 14.03.24 95 10
13 pan_con_queso 10aa 03:57.99 30.09.24 82 15
14 6y6JIuk 100aa 03:59.20 24.05.24 91 9
15 Deadpool 10aa 04:02.78 23.04.22 74 14
16 dark69 10aa 04:04.54 17.08.23 92 21
17 Moroesxx 100aa 04:13.86 17.08.23 98 8
18 MANIOLOOO 10aa 04:22.43 19.03.23 49 12
19 Magix 10aa 04:24.43 24.03.23 148 20
20 sludge_factory 10aa 04:28.31 28.10.24 88 17
21 AlexGood 10aa 04:31.28 19.03.23 110 3
22 Sheik 100aa 04:42.62 24.05.24 41 13
23 qwxxded 10aa 04:45.81 24.03.23 106 38
24 Allison 10aa 04:45.85 30.09.24 79 21
25 soul 10aa 04:48.68 29.12.22 76 16
26 fckn_A. 100aa 04:51.71 19.03.23 76 20
27 Shadow 10aa 04:52.14 28.10.24 96 22
28 Renault_Midlum_Hubarbeitsbühne 10aa 04:53.31 24.03.23 93 29
29 ivski 100aa 05:01.91 13.12.23 35 8
30 shadow 100aa 05:02.17 24.03.23 104 29
31 Whats_Up_Doc 10aa 05:03.26 23.04.22 102 19
32 meJson 10aa 05:03.99 14.03.24 84 9
33 Hyperactiv 10aa 05:03.99 24.03.23 71 33
34 gogi 10aa 05:04.14 16.12.22 58 7
35 12529.R9WR 10aa 05:04.63 14.03.24 64 42
36 Kpoluk 10aa 05:06.90 03.04.22 59 21
37 mQnsta 100aa 05:09.69 22.10.24 94 17
38 gOldeNkz 10aa 05:17.00 24.03.23 89 1
39 MiSTREATED 10aa 05:22.52 10.09.22 87 24
40 SS_Derrick 100aa 05:31.65 14.03.24 122 27
41 Fksch 10aa 05:38.42 14.03.24 101 31
42 kpop_enthusiast 10aa 05:38.83 20.03.25 83 28
43 Coolio 10aa 05:42.58 24.03.23 80 22
44 Mozart 10aa 05:43.63 24.03.23 75 19
45 Player 10aa 05:50.64 24.03.23 127 34
46 Supersonic 10aa 05:55.10 23.08.24 108 28
47 Василий_Зайцев 10aa 05:55.61 24.03.23 43 17
48 DOPE 10aa 05:59.19 20.03.25 86 21
49 Mordo 10aa 05:59.91 28.10.24 119 28
50 rapier 10aa 06:03.05 01.05.22 91 25
51 Andris 10aa 06:08.85 24.03.23 131 26
52 SS_Derrick 10aa 06:14.45 28.12.24 117 33
53 mls 10aa 06:15.06 03.04.22 98 34
54 sex_machinne 100aa 06:28.30 19.03.23 134 48
55 shadow 10aa 06:28.50 24.03.23 123 43
56 pizzaboy 10aa 06:30.65 14.03.24 128 78
57 3vilStar 10aa 06:32.31 24.03.23 102 35
58 zal 10aa 06:36.70 14.03.24 103 21
59 urpay 10aa 06:43.69 19.03.23 106 55
60 OLLEVM 10aa 06:44.71 24.03.23 94 31
61 JEAT 10aa 06:47.33 20.03.25 100 46
62 ICQ 10aa 06:50.69 23.08.24 77 35
63 stoykeez 10aa 06:59.10 24.03.23 98 39
64 Eimi_Fukada 100aa 07:06.26 24.03.23 129 43
65 salaga 10aa 07:13.30 28.12.24 69 25
66 SeAKaNGaRoO 10aa 07:21.26 25.02.25 106 51
67 Agressor1st 10aa 07:38.31 19.03.23 72 33
68 yu 10aa 07:42.42 20.03.25 71 39
69 Bla^ 10aa 07:48.12 24.03.23 51 24
70 龙YlonKot风` 10aa 07:48.96 30.09.24 95 54
71 Danza 10aa 07:55.50 24.03.23 39 30
72 out_of_your_love 100aa 07:56.04 19.03.23 96 54
73 HaMMa 10aa 08:19.02 08.10.24 94 28
74 ch1ef 10aa 08:21.55 28.12.24 58 46
75 unnamed 10aa 08:32.85 16.12.22 79 69
76 hheei 10aa 08:48.25 20.03.25 23 1
77 mgt 10aa 08:55.79 19.03.23 83 81
78 Player 10aa 08:57.57 23.08.24 96 81
79 asdfzola 10aa 09:33.82 19.03.23 93 62
80 TRex^` 10aa 10:01.17 23.04.22 45 60
81 out_of_your_love 10aa 10:22.69 19.03.23 101 112
82 lidl_esports 100aa 10:36.21 13.12.23 35 83
83 LoverIgorek 10aa 10:50.36 23.08.24 97 38
84 KEEX 10aa 12:08.14 10.04.23 97 94
85 AI_Player 100aa 12:11.04 24.03.23 63 50
86 Jagermeister 10aa 12:30.94 28.12.24 106 96
87 focinko 10aa 12:40.21 19.03.23 78 75
88 Buu 10aa 16:15.58 14.03.24 26 111
89 Cash_&_Cash 10aa 16:15.66 11.05.22 133 61
90 ExDeath 10aa 16:57.94 28.10.24 99 135
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEEL 10aa 04:28.67 14.01.24 103 14
2 orewko 100aa 05:40.27 14.03.24 123 37
3 mrp 10aa 13:42.14 24.03.23 295 171
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 sex_machinne 100aa 05:27.92 19.03.23 107 42

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