JocA tell me any server where i am banned?
Yep LX, better explain why you cheat than acting like innocent person...good question is if you are allowed to play on any server, because probably you are already banned on every of them for using bhop/hacks
i am saying that i am cheater?
That guy is publicly saying, indirectly, that he is a cheater lol and he is not banned neither on CC or here...almost the same meme as JuanmiR's "I'm just testing the fogs" :))
I guess he didn't understand what I was hinting at xD
Ok but why you need multiple accounts? What is crazy there for allowing only one account..?
JocA, where u see that i am mad? :D i am completely fine, just making statement, if i've said that its "CRAZY RULES" it doesn't mean i'm mad.
bro is mad cuz he cant use multi accounts, jesus :D
Xarebava, stopsound doesnt affect game like /showpre or /speed, so it shouldnt.
@ArvInD, tbh i’ve never liked kzrush maps (no hate just long maps) i’ve always tried to upload demos on cosy and there is bunch of crazy rules, no settings change in the middle of run no vpn no multi accs and etc so i ask bcs of that if stopsound can possibly ruin my demo.