Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kz-endo_mcpyramid ( Cosy-Climbing) 20.03.2022
Cosy-Climbing record FN007 - 02:16.89

KZ-Rush record Hina - 02:14.29

Mapper  ajR_

Pro-record colcolx - 02:22.43

Nub-record zza - 02:15.65 (25 cp / 1 gc)

Difficulty Easy

Length Short

Download map kz-endo_mcpyramid (837,83 KB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Hina 02:14.29   05.02.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 colcolx 10aa 02:22.43 02.05.22
2 Quality 10aa 02:37.09 21.12.22
3 ajR^^ 10aa 02:38.19 22.09.23
4 zza 10aa 02:39.67 01.11.22
5 SlasHeR 10aa 02:42.27 29.05.22
6 MEEL 10aa 02:44.68 25.04.22
7 zyllEE 10aa 02:46.88 10.09.22
8 bowads90abnss 10aa 02:49.52 01.11.22
9 I_Want_My_Tears_Back 10aa 02:50.24 06.09.22
10 Boxes 10aa 03:03.91 02.11.22
11 back2basics 10aa 03:04.63 02.11.22
12 zedbee 10aa 03:06.07 22.08.24
13 Pudge 10aa 03:08.69 26.07.22
14 Suuzuki 10aa 03:11.68 16.03.23
15 Pudge 100aa 03:11.81 26.07.22
16 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 03:15.70 26.07.22
17 ploydi 10aa 03:16.36 30.07.24
18 gogi 10aa 03:18.70 22.09.23
19 FaL 10aa 03:19.47 16.03.23
20 Schtoltz 100aa 03:19.95 21.12.22
21 SunnyJama 10aa 03:21.28 10.09.22
22 sp[) 10aa 03:22.42 18.06.22
23 HIMOM 10aa 03:27.66 03.08.24
24 donnet 10aa 03:30.98 01.11.22
25 Haval 10aa 03:35.52 30.07.24
26 DeadRon1n 10aa 03:37.45 18.06.22
27 888_51_rus 10aa 03:39.53 23.12.24
28 aaa 10aa 03:39.87 26.07.22
29 avivVv 10aa 03:45.00 22.04.22
30 dragic 10aa 03:46.31 10.09.22
31 Adoptado 10aa 03:48.28 22.09.23
32 chmod 10aa 03:51.39 24.10.23
33 Fksch 10aa 03:51.70 28.04.24
34 v_1[Md] 10aa 03:51.71 23.12.24
35 muramrr 10aa 04:00.24 22.04.22
36 Hong10 10aa 04:11.30 24.12.22
37 kypon` 10aa 04:11.38 01.12.24
38 Ьшсвс 10aa 04:16.60 26.07.22
39 monowii 10aa 04:20.38 01.11.22
40 epic_panda 10aa 04:21.95 08.11.22
41 Ill_be_naive_naive_just_foryou 100aa 04:22.37 21.12.22
42 techno 10aa 04:26.02 22.08.24
43 Isterik@ 10aa 04:26.32 16.03.23
44 JohnD 10aa 04:28.05 23.12.24
45 zver 10aa 04:41.52 10.03.24
46 goeasy 10aa 04:46.09 23.12.24
47 uraraka 10aa 04:46.16 12.08.23
48 SoulMassive 10aa 04:49.37 22.08.24
49 Player 10aa 04:54.14 26.07.22
50 Schtoltz 10aa 04:57.88 21.12.22
51 FL_Studio_21 100aa 05:02.84 15.03.24
52 JustDoItT 10aa 05:04.71 29.12.23
53 Momonga 10aa 05:05.21 22.08.24
54 rapier 10aa 05:18.54 02.06.22
55 psh 10aa 05:20.16 23.12.24
56 Niclas0711 10aa 05:23.68 01.11.22
57 rune 10aa 05:24.15 06.06.24
58 Radioactive 10aa 05:34.57 08.10.23
59 Lui 10aa 05:37.53 02.06.22
60 done 10aa 05:39.61 26.07.22
61 3vilStar 10aa 05:45.63 30.07.24
62 YanaLapa 10aa 05:46.17 16.03.23
63 ag 10aa 05:51.47 24.10.23
64 Master4eG 10aa 05:54.79 16.03.23
65 IMPaCT 10aa 05:58.65 21.12.22
66 slovaed 10aa 06:09.45 16.03.23
67 Ill_be_naive_naive_just_foryou 10aa 06:10.05 21.12.22
68 Maus 10aa 06:14.77 21.12.22
69 13inchveinymonster 10aa 06:20.20 01.12.24
70 [bigpapa]To4kaMc_c 10aa 06:20.25 26.07.22
71 9_EBANUTIY 100aa 06:32.96 28.08.23
72 shraga 10aa 06:36.54 22.04.22
73 edZika 10aa 06:41.87 10.09.22
74 Checks_and_Balances 10aa 06:43.24 22.09.23
75 Lux 10aa 06:48.25 08.11.22
76 Player 10aa 07:02.03 21.12.22
77 AK47 10aa 07:06.20 21.12.22
78 cmaster 10aa 07:15.54 01.11.22
79 hurtyoubad 10aa 07:31.01 22.09.23
80 serialchilla 10aa 07:38.73 21.12.22
81 Mervin 100aa 07:39.20 26.07.22
82 Mervin 10aa 07:39.87 26.07.22
83 DYALITE 10aa 07:50.09 26.07.22
84 Meiling 10aa 08:07.66 04.01.23
85 sleepy 10aa 08:30.59 20.03.24
86 SS_Derrick 10aa 09:54.62 22.08.24
87 CyMPAK 10aa 10:11.33 18.06.22
88 skarp 10aa 11:37.90 24.10.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 zyllEE 10aa 03:47.84 10.09.22
2 Quality 10aa 03:57.47 21.12.22
3 SunnyJama 10aa 05:07.57 10.09.22
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 zza 10aa 02:15.65 22.08.24 25 1
2 MEEL 10aa 02:44.12 25.04.22 44 6
3 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 02:54.34 26.07.22 53 3
4 Silk_Road 10aa 03:04.91 26.07.22 54 9
5 dropzone 10aa 03:05.38 26.07.22 76 4
6 Hunter 10aa 03:13.70 10.09.22 57 6
7 ZOF 10aa 03:25.39 22.08.24 79 6
8 Drawh1st0ry 10aa 03:32.89 23.12.24 28 5
9 Cc._Ganongoat_[^5] 10aa 03:33.25 10.09.23 72 10
10 takg 10aa 03:38.40 21.12.22 63 4
11 monowii 10aa 03:38.74 01.11.22 79 15
12 Zuck_it! 100aa 03:46.41 22.08.24 61 30
13 不会跳图 10aa 03:47.52 21.12.22 50 9
14 Suuzuki 10aa 03:56.33 16.03.23 61 13
15 laufey 10aa 04:17.55 01.11.22 80 21
16 minimal_attack 10aa 04:23.49 30.07.24 75 19
17 JustDoItT 10aa 04:27.49 21.12.22 110 15
18 Jopka 100aa 04:34.88 23.12.24 87 20
19 ya_ebanutiy_begite!!! 10aa 04:42.62 22.08.24 75 35
20 raisu 10aa 04:45.98 22.08.24 130 26
21 118241 100aa 04:46.76 25.04.24 171 21
22 aki 10aa 04:49.95 30.07.24 107 9
23 0.0 10aa 05:09.22 23.12.24 53 12
24 888_51_rus 10aa 05:10.97 23.12.24 80 20
25 bowads90abnss 10aa 05:13.94 31.10.22 10 5
26 fsjmd[rfijsdio[tgjdfiogdfsgdfrs 10aa 05:23.17 12.08.23 108 24
27 edward 10aa 05:34.70 16.03.23 86 21
28 looka1g 10aa 05:35.30 30.07.24 82 38
29 done 10aa 05:35.71 26.07.22 92 20
30 lambda 10aa 05:40.05 27.11.23 72 26
31 Massimo 10aa 05:41.29 23.12.24 122 40
32 Hyperactiv 10aa 05:41.72 10.09.22 87 46
33 maha` 10aa 05:41.78 26.07.22 100 32
34 ScathD 10aa 05:56.64 22.08.24 101 30
35 Insolence 10aa 05:58.24 26.07.22 95 21
36 mQnsta 10aa 06:02.74 30.07.24 84 28
37 bbbbbb 10aa 06:19.02 18.06.22 14 29
38 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 10aa 06:23.24 24.10.23 90 33
39 Player 10aa 06:24.64 26.07.22 114 35
40 D3fFEFfEcT 10aa 06:36.74 18.06.22 68 40
41 tiNt 10aa 06:38.68 01.11.22 31 32
42 sgstullsss 10aa 06:39.98 01.11.22 100 90
43 1087 10aa 06:43.89 17.05.22 61 24
44 Vodilo58 10aa 06:45.45 23.12.24 131 68
45 fms 100aa 06:47.57 15.07.24 130 45
46 GuyModis 10aa 07:02.63 26.07.22 74 37
47 Rmn41 10aa 07:10.01 30.07.24 91 25
48 FL_Studio_21 100aa 07:11.30 15.03.24 47 44
49 `kz_youth 10aa 07:11.64 30.07.24 104 22
50 Andris 10aa 07:15.26 18.06.22 128 30
51 Hao 10aa 07:17.55 01.11.22 55 49
52 JOCKBUTT 10aa 07:24.10 22.08.24 82 52
53 sludge_factory 10aa 07:45.15 22.08.24 87 16
54 DOPE 10aa 07:49.31 23.12.24 88 47
55 LeEco 10aa 08:17.70 21.12.22 147 85
56 p0x 10aa 08:40.44 08.11.22 86 36
57 Ejovik 10aa 08:41.39 21.12.22 104 54
58 LaGGeR.! 10aa 08:52.99 08.11.22 84 40
59 16.Nobody 10aa 08:55.36 08.11.22 103 15
60 EE 10aa 09:08.32 26.07.22 11 14
61 wAQ 10aa 10:11.76 10.09.22 50 71
62 Витя_Альварес 10aa 13:44.79 21.12.22 120 153
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 davos 10aa 10:40.13 16.03.23 55 74

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