Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

wx_woodcluster ( Cosy-Climbing) 30.10.2022

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  weixinii

Pro-record Hina - 02:29.86

Nub-record Hina - 02:31.31 (5 cp / 3 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Middle

Download map wx_woodcluster (2,26 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 Hina 10aa 02:29.86 24.02.23
2 Rachel 10aa 03:56.84 06.12.23
3 Malachite 10aa 04:54.37 06.03.25
4 SlasHeR 10aa 05:14.99 23.06.23
5 Antxo 10aa 05:17.75 21.09.24
6 Hong10 10aa 05:53.28 22.03.23
7 zver 10aa 07:11.05 13.01.23
8 trololo 10aa 07:24.17 24.02.23
9 uber 10aa 08:00.61 21.09.24
10 JohnD 10aa 08:11.69 22.09.24
11 Madcat 10aa 08:45.91 23.01.25
12 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 09:03.82 13.03.23
13 rapier 10aa 10:55.37 24.02.23
14 Radioactive 10aa 11:39.85 22.09.24
15 eeN 10aa 12:16.20 25.12.24
16 back2basics 10aa 12:54.29 02.01.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Hina 10aa 02:31.31 24.02.23 5 3
2 HaMMa 10aa 02:58.00 21.09.24 59 15
3 MDDLFNGRR 10aa 03:05.12 06.12.23 76 21
4 rach 10aa 03:06.11 13.03.23 73 13
5 trololo 10aa 03:07.34 24.02.23 79 9
6 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 03:22.28 22.08.23 95 18
7 char 10aa 03:22.41 06.12.23 75 24
8 Zuck_it! 100aa 03:28.80 21.09.24 103 30
9 uber 10aa 03:32.24 21.09.24 128 28
10 dous 100aa 03:39.22 09.09.23 109 34
11 Riot 10aa 03:43.52 22.08.23 112 21
12 Azzazello 10aa 03:44.47 09.03.23 95 25
13 edZika 10aa 03:45.45 13.03.23 124 32
14 geterothin 10aa 03:48.49 21.09.24 46 29
15 SAY_BYE_BYE 10aa 04:04.35 13.03.23 93 50
16 Angelochek 10aa 04:23.12 06.12.23 114 45
17 keeza 10aa 04:23.38 22.12.22 62 42
18 finesse 100aa 04:27.38 06.12.23 118 36
19 中で死んでいる 10aa 04:27.92 22.08.23 108 45
20 gogi 10aa 04:34.56 02.01.23 95 37
21 Gonaelannon 10aa 04:39.09 22.08.23 111 50
22 pepi 10aa 04:44.19 30.11.23 135 61
23 Azure 10aa 04:54.84 02.01.23 93 45
24 sl1wzz 10aa 05:07.50 11.04.24 98 63
25 nindzhia 100aa 05:25.36 02.07.24 88 54
26 DeadRon1n 10aa 05:40.50 24.02.23 85 74
27 请叫我Fog4 10aa 05:59.39 13.01.23 108 63
28 sludge_factory 10aa 06:14.67 25.12.24 126 72
29 shNzw· 10aa 06:14.83 13.03.23 102 49
30 2919 10aa 06:30.82 13.01.23 92 90
31 swag 10aa 06:49.97 30.11.23 127 105
32 JustDoItT 10aa 07:45.65 15.02.23 145 121
33 Senshi 10aa 08:08.65 02.01.23 139 130
34 goeasy 10aa 08:15.44 26.12.24 112 152
35 KeppkA 10aa 08:28.41 22.08.23 171 135
36 Blazzer 10aa 09:18.96 02.01.23 96 104
37 Rax 10aa 09:54.86 22.12.22 192 150
38 Haval 10aa 09:56.65 21.09.24 14 95
39 itswedenz 10aa 10:38.14 24.02.23 136 147
40 Андрюха_Тейт 10aa 10:59.03 02.01.23 67 152
41 cologne 10aa 11:14.61 21.09.24 127 157
42 CyMPAK 10aa 12:35.83 24.02.23 160 222
43 d1o 10aa 14:21.92 02.01.23 111 264
44 urpay 10aa 16:13.51 13.03.23 130 255
45 bayacca 10aa 17:29.55 06.12.23 257 311
46 yaoi 10aa 19:27.11 22.08.23 168 386
47 4Lin 10aa 21:59.64 02.01.23 146 395
48 focinko 10aa 26:50.85 13.03.23 139 431
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 finesse 100aa 07:11.54 06.12.23 142 116
2 o 10aa 19:02.37 26.12.24 324 428

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