Chatbox archive
@lxr А есть возможность, добавить bkz_wallblock на сервер average? Или с этой мапой есть конфликтная составляющая?
@akkuratist @cstrike , thank you guys , it works just as I needed it.
Btw does anyone know why kzrush forces sv_lan to 0 and how I can fix that , without having to manually do it every time I join my LAN or changelevel.
Thank you, I will check it later today and let you know.
@Qicg Regular servers and VIP servers are hosted in different places. I restarted VIP server, is this problem persists?
What is going on with vip servers? On regular servers I've stable 60 ping, but on vip it keeps jumping to 150-200 randomly every few seconds.
@SpaceGold or try maybe /timing in chat (kz rush plugin)
@SpaceGold, try uq_timing plugin or some analogs like stopwatch.
I'm trying to find a plugin using which I can make runs on maps that don't have start/stop buttons. One that lets you put those in the desired positions. But so far I couldn't find anything , can anyone redirect me?
@Xednay, @Imbik сервер перезагрузил. Кажется сейчас должно быть нормально.
@sadamaza кто мешал это делать до баннера? Они оплатили баннер, деньги идут на наши серверы, потому что в последние месяцы донатов почти не было. Если тебе не нравится баннер, то можешь воспользоваться Adblock и заблокировать конкретно его.
Is there a chance to in near future, record a demo on kzrush plublic server, and to be accepted on sunmit page for KZRush record? :-) I think cago is doing something like this
[Hard] got hacked lmao
vly_nantu_d sub 40
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@lxr перезагрузи хард сервер, там при заходе на него крашит кс нафиг.
hard сервер чем-то необычным заболел
@sadamaza 🤔🤔😂😂
Blya davaite ya budu finansirovat kz rush, tolko uberite dolbaebskiy hns otsuda tam je deti tupie za rulem
@HaMMa ahahaha