@qbig maybe some day, but I would put it on a certain person after Drawh1st0ry finishes his work on sc screenshots.
@V4R10L4V3R4 possible doesn't mean balanced, and it still has some nulls to fix.
@OverjoyedBrass I use nochecks time on lan to evaluate map length, no so hard to calculate, but if you mean public server it's quite a pain cause I need to store it in savepos as well, wouldn't like to touch it for now.
@Gorbachev_x the feature sounds fun, but I don't understand how it helps to impove your run
Tech name in lj stats disappears in vertical stats style, while in horizontal it says full tech name (Longjump for example)
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is this solvable
uh accidentally activated a snap tap config on my wooting and got banned
@B2U @hfour thanks
@dislike Heyo❤️
@narasslabone try to catch yourself thinking about to scroll a bit earlier
@narasslabone Timing, /showpre, alot of practise, dedication, good equipment, talent, again alot of practise.They are random becsuse your timing is random.