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hi kpoluk i have written a message to you on discord, could you please respond?
Some checked, some waiting for balance check. Not sure about your two maps though. arte_tokazys says to play it in Romanian community for definitive experience, so I'm confused if it can be played here. Also I forbade using arrows so I don't know if arte_twist is possible with mouse.
all the new maps in last two cosy releases and two xj releases
@arte_de_la_puerta which one?
sekai on kz_toilet, faster than Rush top 1:
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new mapa when
unban joca from comment section kpoluk!
a few moments later
@Gorbachev_x I usually open them a few days later
Why are almost all videos (from demo releases) unlisted on the rush youtube channel?
@vario did i accuse of cheat? i just ask why alot people start using high sens which in the past they were most regular like 800 / 2, and i also use high sens 1600 / 2.2
they should, but it doesnt exist. kpoluk is a smart man, im sure he understands that outside is much more likely than not to be a cheater, but there is no concrete evidence to convict.
Stop this stupid witch hunt.
@5_Nico i have high sens too, am I cheater? :ujel:
why suddenly lots of players with high sensitivity like that appear ?
@Kpoluk since we're on the subject, when you said, "In the end, no specific evidence was provided, only the general direction", what does that mean exactly? Aren't admins from sister communities supposed to share everything with each other? Is it possible that not all details were shared with you? I am asking because I hate seeing this level of contradiction among the admins.
Currently 1600 dpi 9 sens
@xarebava whats ur sens/dpi
@ArvInD to make it clear, my point is that there are no reliable sources rn, and there won't be any if we talk about these short demos. I can lean on my server stats and long demos as the whole, but proper live checks (recent one and mostly the following) should give more certainty. Anyway ban decisions shouldn't be made according just to personal opinions, at least as how it looks like for now.
I trust the cc and xj admins but i trust kpoluk as well, which is why i don't know which source to trust right now. So imma sit back and enjoy the events in the coming future with a keen eye. Good luck guys
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