Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

malle_mountainlodge ( Cosy-Climbing) 29.10.2023
Cosy-Climbing record Lovell - 02:42.68

KZ-Rush record Lovell - 02:42.68

Mapper  Malle

Pro-record misti - 02:05.13

Nub-record rstarafrdolbytnormalno - 02:37.44 (42 cp / 4 gc)

Difficulty Average

Length Short

Download map malle_mountainlodge (1,44 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Lovell 02:42.68   22.09.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 misti 10aa 02:05.13 28.06.24
2 Toff1fee 10aa 02:06.22 27.06.24
3 7fAta 10aa 02:12.93 26.04.24
4 CoMeBaCK 10aa 02:16.40 26.06.24
5 Madcat 10aa 02:42.82 26.04.24
6 Hong10 10aa 02:44.87 12.01.24
7 lampa666 10aa 02:49.65 26.06.24
8 Niclas0711 10aa 03:06.17 23.04.24
9 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 03:13.53 17.04.24
10 HACPAHO 10aa 03:18.38 15.04.24
11 -5 10aa 03:19.00 12.04.24
12 CamelCloud 10aa 03:42.60 15.04.24
13 vladik 10aa 03:44.45 16.04.24
14 Fksch 10aa 03:45.11 26.04.24
15 lambda 10aa 03:56.34 12.04.24
16 nokia 10aa 03:57.52 04.03.25
17 EnriqueMurcielago 10aa 03:58.69 25.06.24
18 a_ti_si_taj_taj_taj 10aa 03:59.66 26.06.24
19 SpekalsG3 10aa 04:00.42 14.03.25
20 Mervin 10aa 04:01.46 26.06.24
21 13inchveinymonster 10aa 04:24.76 14.04.24
22 JohnD 10aa 04:31.48 12.04.24
23 zver 10aa 04:32.17 15.04.24
24 eog 10aa 04:42.05 26.06.24
25 DeadRon1n 10aa 04:44.41 25.06.24
26 rapier 10aa 05:23.34 15.04.24
27 orewko 10aa 05:52.90 15.04.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 02:37.44 16.10.24 42 4
2 lampa666 10aa 02:38.13 26.06.24 71 3
3 7fAta 10aa 02:42.74 12.04.24 55 9
4 ON1___Zuck_it! 100aa 02:44.56 26.06.24 57 7
5 Toff1fee 10aa 02:46.08 25.06.24 40 15
6 Lovell 10aa 02:46.43 17.09.24 61 4
7 Lightning_McQueen 10aa 02:55.48 25.06.24 46 3
8 不会跳图 10aa 02:55.56 12.04.24 30 7
9 ahful- 10aa 02:59.46 17.04.24 67 3
10 MustiK 10aa 03:00.39 26.04.24 64 13
11 Steffe 10aa 03:06.92 26.06.24 67 10
12 Dislike12574 10aa 03:07.09 25.06.24 51 9
13 Retaliate 10aa 03:14.82 13.06.24 77 13
14 L1bra 10aa 03:16.93 17.04.24 56 14
15 misti 10aa 03:20.39 12.04.24 44 10
16 fLzi 10aa 03:20.80 12.04.24 49 13
17 Fksch 10aa 03:38.19 26.06.24 80 16
18 Shockwave 10aa 03:38.36 27.03.24 103 11
19 Prebac 10aa 03:45.29 26.06.24 55 15
20 trasseL 10aa 03:49.86 14.03.25 75 15
21 ivski 100aa 03:58.86 16.03.24 59 18
22 pe4enbki 10aa 04:08.89 26.06.24 67 18
23 GoEasy 10aa 04:09.56 16.10.24 73 18
24 Madcat 10aa 04:11.81 26.04.24 66 13
25 ag 10aa 04:14.04 26.06.24 82 17
26 FFF 10aa 04:20.43 12.04.24 35 33
27 Adoptado 10aa 04:24.15 12.04.24 48 16
28 MEKSIKANCI_MARIACHI 10aa 04:34.48 17.09.24 68 35
29 a_ti_si_taj_taj_taj 10aa 04:37.18 26.06.24 71 25
30 Guts 10aa 04:38.26 27.12.23 108 40
31 ганбулаг_буратор 10aa 04:46.44 25.06.24 110 28
32 CamelCloud 10aa 04:48.89 15.04.24 73 38
33 mTw___WizarDx_OяЋ 10aa 04:50.20 12.04.24 88 44
34 brekeke 10aa 04:51.49 26.06.24 79 33
35 butter_dog 10aa 04:52.76 16.04.24 80 31
36 lambda 10aa 04:55.85 12.04.24 93 29
37 Player 10aa 04:57.67 27.12.23 110 38
38 SB 10aa 04:59.79 26.06.24 100 41
39 minimal_attack 10aa 05:04.27 17.09.24 85 54
40 HACPAHO 10aa 05:09.21 15.04.24 95 48
41 sludge_factory 10aa 05:09.28 16.10.24 100 39
42 Supersonic 10aa 05:12.38 26.06.24 98 34
43 zivader 10aa 05:13.16 26.04.24 64 37
44 lycal 10aa 05:13.72 26.06.24 57 37
45 MadonnaRocket 10aa 05:15.02 26.06.24 48 43
46 VvTT 10aa 05:20.37 17.09.24 83 37
47 rune 10aa 05:27.18 10.01.24 70 33
48 ayub4ik 100aa 05:30.24 26.06.24 74 26
49 asdfzola 10aa 05:32.46 25.06.24 130 56
50 pan_con_queso 10aa 05:48.87 12.04.24 81 31
51 Dolphin 10aa 05:49.95 26.04.24 64 40
52 Jopka 100aa 05:50.84 26.04.24 100 33
53 maiLyy 10aa 05:52.52 25.06.24 76 55
54 rockwilder 10aa 05:53.33 26.06.24 56 68
55 13inchveinymonster 10aa 05:53.39 12.04.24 43 39
56 Antikrist 10aa 06:00.19 14.04.24 96 44
57 kakošek_kzsk 10aa 06:08.04 26.06.24 56 44
58 jakke 10aa 06:08.60 27.12.23 100 55
59 ArvInD 10aa 06:11.61 10.01.24 69 26
60 Drawh1st0ry 10aa 06:11.76 10.03.25 77 58
61 eog 10aa 06:15.66 26.06.24 104 53
62 fms 100aa 06:19.36 27.07.24 122 65
63 JOCKBUTT 10aa 06:19.50 26.06.24 82 57
64 apo 10aa 06:35.65 12.04.24 98 45
65 AntTocher 10aa 06:44.20 14.03.25 85 72
66 charlito 10aa 06:52.94 26.06.24 83 70
67 mrkot 10aa 06:58.86 26.06.24 92 84
68 12529.R9WR 10aa 07:02.72 26.04.24 47 70
69 jump_enjoyer 10aa 07:20.08 25.06.24 97 63
70 SS_Derrick 100aa 07:50.07 25.06.24 112 71
71 Hoes_in_da_house 10aa 08:02.81 14.03.25 71 71
72 两天不玩就废 10aa 08:40.05 26.04.24 70 79
73 Maria 100aa 08:51.06 25.06.24 100 78
74 sintOx 10aa 09:16.06 12.04.24 134 142
75 SkroLL) 10aa 09:34.45 16.10.24 121 107
76 Dodik 10aa 10:26.80 26.06.24 126 100
77 B2U 10aa 11:26.15 12.04.24 75 101
78 edward 10aa 15:36.68 26.06.24 81 153
79 united 10aa 17:40.64 26.04.24 83 270
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 JohnD 10aa 04:03.95 16.04.24 122 25
2 siskoys 10aa 04:34.66 12.04.24 61 37
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 DOPE 10aa 06:20.72 26.06.24 69 46

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