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Pro Nub

Map info

mls_hb_all1aNce ( KZ-Rush) 31.12.2020
KZ-Rush recordUnknown

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  mls

Pro-record No record

Nub-record dropzone - 10:18.52 (268 cp / 173 gc)

Difficulty Hard-Extreme

Length Long

Download map mls_hb_all1aNce (3,26 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player Time Difference CP GC Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 dropzone 10aa 10:18.52 19.07.23 268 173
2 brokoly 10aa 13:46.31 29.11.21 292 299
3 throttle 10aa 14:23.93 21.09.21 208 255
4 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 14:44.17 20.04.24 337 346
5 RichTheUglySock 10aa 14:55.31 10.01.24 372 344
6 drizz 10aa 17:33.43 03.02.24 321 394
7 Izgoy 10aa 17:52.46 19.04.24 306 420
8 outside 10aa 18:05.29 17.06.22 308 391
9 gladiator 10aa 19:57.04 06.11.22 249 432
10 Xixi 10aa 20:02.16 08.04.21 293 426
11 all1aNcE 10aa 20:39.92 04.01.21 387 471
12 QuXo0s 10aa 20:44.49 22.05.21 433 466
13 Qicg 10aa 26:39.85 29.11.21 439 646
14 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 26:51.94 19.04.24 399 632
15 KaMi 10aa 28:05.51 20.04.24 468 665
16 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 28:25.11 20.04.24 453 843
17 LLazar 10aa 28:50.38 04.01.21 319 672
18 inactive 10aa 29:05.81 20.04.24 566 747
19 dous 100aa 29:13.67 22.11.23 330 704
20 Kris 10aa 29:37.98 20.04.24 416 718
21 rach 10aa 33:05.87 10.07.21 284 682
22 hexiQ 10aa 36:12.80 19.04.24 406 907
23 Speedwagoon 10aa 37:37.09 29.05.23 440 773
24 mika 100aa 38:03.44 09.11.24 570 791
25 PakT 10aa 38:44.67 08.04.21 439 953
26 Irvin 10aa 43:21.11 10.04.22 551 1050
27 Aguslashx 10aa 47:12.15 05.11.23 312 989
28 reatzh 10aa 48:30.82 10.07.21 568 1264
29 TuF 10aa 49:35.95 10.07.21 661 1058
30 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 50:16.13 12.06.21 443 1360
31 odealo 10aa 50:36.15 20.04.24 330 1170
32 hehe 10aa 51:14.11 10.01.24 531 1421
33 snegg 10aa 52:05.53 21.09.21 290 1239
34 Kpoluk 10aa 52:43.84 10.05.22 154 1136
35 5_Nico 10aa 56:46.32 20.04.24 498 1479
36 HaMMa 10aa 62:43.47 18.03.21 618 1146
37 Fksch 10aa 64:15.34 19.04.24 844 1511
38 EchO_o 10aa 64:52.10 20.04.24 888 1603
39 pepi 10aa 70:56.89 10.07.21 1099 1932
40 ArvInD 10aa 71:11.05 03.06.22 400 1286
41 NPC 10aa 73:49.44 03.02.24 1191 2169
42 zyllEE 10aa 78:30.69 03.06.22 539 1990
43 Devaster 10aa 84:01.24 08.04.21 300 1785
44 ioso 10aa 107:30.53 10.01.24 717 2695
45 JustDoItT 10aa 111:11.41 19.02.24 431 3080
46 JohnD 10aa 124:05.45 31.01.25 1275 3167
47 elvis 10aa 126:29.28 21.09.21 570 3787
48 fLume 10aa 134:35.59 17.06.22 441 3601
49 trololo 10aa 144:18.78 03.02.24 713 3319
50 Clearlove 10aa 158:16.64 06.06.22 552 3715
51 SmileB4Death 10aa 167:58.95 20.04.24 922 4291
52 Hong10 10aa 187:59.69 08.04.21 631 4649
53 voteban 10aa 225:14.78 10.01.24 1129 6636
54 lavash 10aa 435:20.28 20.04.24 1269 11010

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