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Kreedz Basics. Part 1

Posted by Kpoluk 22 May 2024 in 10:30
This guide is a quick guide for those who want to learn kreedz from scratch. Let's go!

What is kreedz (abbreviated kz)? This is a time trial on special maps in Counter-Strike 1.6 (abbreviated CS), named after the Canadian player Kreedz, who created the first such map. The kz map has start and finish buttons. Your task is to press start and run/jump/swim to the finish.

How is kreedz different from games where you need to jump on cubes over lava? It is safe to say that kz has the richest set of movement mechanics in a game that is originally a team shooter. And map creators add even more interesting elements to this.


If you have Counter-Strike 1.6 installed, you can try the very first basic mechanic called strafing right now, on the standard map. Launch CS, press New Game, select the de_inferno map from the list, press Start. Select CT Forces as a team, and respawn at their base. To your right, find these boxes and stand with your back to the wall, just like in the picture:

Now we will try to fly around the box, landing on its other side. To do this, run up, pressing W, then immediately after the jump release W and press D, turning the mouse to the right in the air. Move the mouse without twitching:

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This simple example shows that in the air we can change the direction of flight. At the same time, we can jump back in the same way using strafe, holding down the A key in the air and turning the mouse to the left.


The next element is bunnyhop (abbreviated bhop). Its essence is that it allows you to make several jumps in a row. At the same time, if you try to do them with Space, you can notice how quickly your speed is lost. The thing is that on the ground we are affected by friction, which means we need to spend as little time on it as possible, but it is extremely difficult to press the jump button quickly enough. Therefore, we will assign the jump to the scroll (mouse wheel). To do this, go to the keyboard settings (Esc - Options - Keyboard), select the line Jump, press Edit key and scroll up (away from you). Space will move to the right, becoming an alternative jump button. At the same time, let's assign a duck to scrolling down. To do this, select the line Duck, press Edit key and scroll down (towards you). It should look like this:

Press OK. Now you can jump using both the spacebar and the scroll, but from now on we will only use the scroll for jumping. Try to repeat the flight around the box, but instead of pressing the spacebar just scroll up. It will be unusual at first, but you will quickly get the hang of it.

Now we will use the scroll to make one bhop. After the arch go up the steps, here we will try to make this jump:

Run towards the ledge with W, jump with the scroll and strafe to the left (simultaneously release W and hold A, turning to the left). Shortly before touching the ledge, scroll up again (each scroll is a jump command, due to this you will spend a minimum of time on the ledge). At the same time, continue to press A and turn the mouse to the left. When approaching the box, hold down the duck with Ctrl to get onto it. All together it looks like this:

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More strafes, more bhop

Enter the de_nuke map, go to any team and open the console (the ` key), write there sv_gravity 0 and press Enter. Now gravity is disabled on the map. Stand still and jump (using the scroll, of course, we don't use the spacebar to jump), you will be thrown up as far as you can. Now start strafing: A and mouse to the left, then D and mouse to the right, etc. Soon you will notice that the speed is increasing, and you are practically flying around the map. Thus, with the help of strafes you can not only turn in the air, but also accelerate.

Return the normal gravity (sv_gravity 800 in the console). Go out into the open and try to strafe while bhopping:

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Now let's climb up to the roof using these boxes:

However, we won't climb up using regular jumps, but we'll use a faster method. Recall that we've set the duck to scroll down. Try scrolling the wheel down one notch. Instead of crouching, you'll get a little jump. Go to the first box, hold down W, scroll down and then hold down a regular duck with Ctrl. This will land you on the box. This move is called doubleduck. Repeat it on the other boxes.

Jump onto a rock

Now, having climbed onto the roof, let's try jumping from it onto a rock. This is a classic example of a jump that can't be done without using kz techniques. In this case, we will not only do a strafe in the air, but also run up in a special way before doing so:

Start running up along the edge of the roof on W. Then, without releasing W, hold down D and turn the mouse to the right towards the rock. Before reaching the edge, simultaneously jump (on the scroll) and release W. Next, in the air, do the familiar strafe to the right and crouch on Ctrl at the end:

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Of course, returning after each fall to the roof is not very convenient, so the next step we will add special plugins to the game that will make our life easier.