Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

malle_skyscraper ( Cosy-Climbing) 30.09.2021
Cosy-Climbing record Pudge - 03:26.47

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  Malle

Pro-record colcolx - 03:17.77

Nub-record JustDoItT - 04:43.68 (122 cp / 14 gc)

Difficulty Easy

Length Middle

Download map malle_skyscraper (1,8 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 colcolx 10aa 03:17.77 20.05.23
2 Pudge 10aa 04:01.19 19.06.22
3 FaL 10aa 05:06.79 19.06.22
4 avivVv 10aa 06:08.24 23.09.22
5 Nikish 10aa 06:37.67 23.09.22
6 Hong10 10aa 06:38.29 17.01.23
7 SlasHeR 10aa 06:43.82 01.08.22
8 zver 10aa 06:47.75 29.02.24
9 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 08:18.40 02.03.23
10 fRozJkeee 10aa 08:27.81 09.03.25
11 Amalienau 10aa 09:41.88 24.04.22
12 y0rken 10aa 10:19.90 30.07.24
13 ioso 10aa 10:42.71 19.12.24
14 AlexGood 10aa 11:13.08 15.10.24
15 CELLARDOOR 10aa 12:00.51 30.07.24
16 eeN 10aa 12:56.85 23.09.22
17 atopsgaming 10aa 13:11.91 19.06.22
18 Player 10aa 13:35.05 19.06.22
19 Exstazzy 10aa 13:49.12 19.06.22
20 era 10aa 17:45.22 09.03.25
21 trac 10aa 18:29.39 09.03.25
22 Boxes 10aa 25:21.73 19.06.22
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 JustDoItT 10aa 04:43.68 01.10.23 122 14
2 CELLARDOOR 10aa 04:56.49 30.07.24 76 20
3 lampa666 10aa 04:58.53 01.11.23 209 14
4 Pandemic 10aa 05:25.25 23.09.22 153 15
5 zza 10aa 05:35.97 19.06.22 91 26
6 hatsunemikufeet 10aa 05:36.80 02.03.23 102 21
7 maiLyy 10aa 06:01.81 30.07.24 124 19
8 AlexGood 10aa 06:11.08 15.10.24 174 35
9 Player 10aa 06:13.79 19.06.22 145 25
10 五一 10aa 06:20.51 01.11.23 129 22
11 Nikish 10aa 06:21.42 23.09.22 121 31
12 Amalienau 10aa 06:42.82 24.04.22 117 27
13 Pudge 10aa 06:52.23 19.06.22 116 17
14 TyIIIkA 10aa 06:53.54 16.03.22 147 39
15 nindzhia 10aa 07:05.25 30.07.24 140 47
16 OLLEVM 10aa 07:08.67 02.03.23 111 37
17 thebig4l 100aa 07:12.80 21.03.24 116 52
18 Evis 10aa 07:16.11 19.06.22 271 46
19 Frenky 10aa 07:17.49 30.07.24 129 44
20 rck 10aa 07:18.18 19.12.24 155 31
21 TEEHEE 10aa 07:19.04 15.10.24 138 53
22 termik 10aa 07:19.19 12.04.22 95 27
23 A.A 10aa 07:25.14 05.07.22 150 49
24 IMPaCT 100aa 07:29.04 21.03.23 112 50
25 123 10aa 07:37.65 05.07.22 113 47
26 goeasy 10aa 07:50.37 15.10.24 121 33
27 kvark 10aa 07:50.92 12.04.22 160 57
28 rapier 10aa 07:52.90 16.03.22 130 24
29 gogi 10aa 07:52.93 14.07.23 131 40
30 shnz 10aa 07:54.90 05.07.22 198 60
31 AL;Bundy 100aa 07:56.79 29.04.24 135 79
32 sludge_factory 10aa 08:01.03 15.10.24 166 32
33 nickname 10aa 08:04.37 01.10.22 138 46
34 aki 10aa 08:11.83 30.07.24 144 51
35 Rachel 10aa 08:13.34 02.03.23 76 34
36 brekeke 10aa 08:19.78 30.07.24 179 57
37 ZOF 10aa 08:19.86 15.10.24 141 61
38 Adoptado 10aa 08:23.54 15.09.23 112 45
39 Red_Smiley 10aa 08:25.09 05.07.22 115 53
40 [SPb178]_N1ke 100aa 08:51.08 26.07.23 158 57
41 Fem 10aa 08:53.36 30.07.24 162 77
42 118241 100aa 08:55.10 21.03.24 114 95
43 Prebac 10aa 09:06.10 02.03.23 160 36
44 Euro 10aa 09:26.17 19.06.22 125 104
45 eog 10aa 09:30.71 19.12.24 196 76
46 focinko 10aa 10:20.69 14.07.23 193 101
47 minimal_attack 10aa 10:27.24 30.07.24 161 107
48 3vilStar 10aa 10:38.23 02.03.23 172 115
49 V@nO 10aa 10:47.85 30.07.24 104 89
50 zerothehero 100aa 11:04.71 21.03.24 150 131
51 Ovsyanke 10aa 11:12.55 02.03.23 178 128
52 MAKESOMEMAYHEM. 10aa 11:13.94 15.10.24 160 122
53 wopox1337 10aa 11:24.39 22.12.24 154 80
54 eddyoo 10aa 12:04.89 14.07.23 125 120
55 urpay 10aa 12:32.17 02.03.23 145 121
56 Rmn41 10aa 12:52.34 30.07.24 150 92
57 supraa 10aa 12:55.63 30.07.24 172 161
58 winterstayed 10aa 13:13.84 15.10.24 99 106
59 Antidote 10aa 13:41.41 30.07.24 60 102
60 bayacca 10aa 13:45.57 05.07.22 106 99
61 `kz_youth 10aa 16:36.12 30.07.24 170 134
62 AI_Player 100aa 17:04.60 02.03.23 122 107
63 SS_Derrick 10aa 38:03.79 14.07.23 369 759
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Prebac 10aa 08:00.25 02.03.23 172 44

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