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Pro Nub

Map info

qcg_to_chichin ( KZ-Rush) 23.09.2019
KZ-Rush record MEEL - 07:29.85

KZ-Rush record Chichin - 11:18.48

Mapper  Qicg

Pro-record MEEL - 33:33.64

Nub-record MEEL - 06:45.72 (113 cp / 71 gc)

Difficulty Hard-Extreme

Length Long

Download map qcg_to_chichin (6,25 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Chichin 11:18.48   28.09.19
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 MEEL 10aa 33:33.64 15.10.21
2 Zimok 10aa 53:56.24 28.08.21
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEEL 10aa 06:45.72 09.03.23 113 71
2 topoviygus 10aa 08:07.33 05.12.19 283 120
3 Chichin 10aa 08:52.34 23.09.19 129 112
4 Evis 10aa 11:31.69 08.12.21 352 225
5 Johnny 10aa 12:07.25 24.09.19 112 209
6 Qicg 10aa 12:22.27 08.09.21 250 225
7 kappA_^ 10aa 12:35.85 05.12.19 158 188
8 RichTheUglySock 10aa 13:21.80 02.11.24 355 309
9 reatzh 10aa 13:24.82 26.07.21 353 309
10 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 13:39.94 26.06.22 348 323
11 PuKiS 10aa 15:01.46 02.05.22 177 226
12 California 10aa 15:33.99 06.05.24 181 339
13 HaMMa 10aa 15:44.02 08.09.21 198 270
14 Keita 10aa 16:27.74 03.06.20 207 296
15 I_Want_My_Tears_Back 10aa 16:29.75 19.02.23 171 306
16 Zimok 10aa 16:33.98 07.05.23 200 373
17 LLazar 10aa 17:38.16 26.11.20 206 348
18 Xixi 10aa 18:02.34 03.06.20 178 435
19 MELTY 10aa 18:37.62 28.08.21 145 304
20 react1ve 10aa 20:26.26 03.06.20 236 449
21 Neurich 10aa 23:09.49 11.09.24 251 594
22 TuF 10aa 23:18.02 22.03.20 273 498
23 Niukkis 10aa 23:28.46 02.12.19 183 513
24 dropzone 10aa 25:01.55 17.03.21 440 551
25 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 28:48.51 07.05.23 420 697
26 rare 10aa 29:21.84 03.06.20 369 723
27 LoAir 10aa 30:55.83 17.03.21 227 783
28 akkuratist 10aa 31:22.79 26.11.20 211 613
29 Igor_S. 10aa 32:25.58 18.02.20 340 683
30 . 10aa 34:56.05 26.07.21 344 799
31 ambi 10aa 35:48.64 19.02.23 255 831
32 pepi 10aa 36:52.95 02.05.22 469 886
33 all1aNcE 10aa 39:01.21 23.09.19 479 832
34 grumie 10aa 39:11.49 21.11.22 340 1082
35 naark 10aa 40:05.17 05.10.19 239 1057
36 Spider1 10aa 41:10.49 06.05.24 248 902
37 Hm- 100aa 41:14.15 25.06.22 465 987
38 snegg 10aa 42:39.46 08.09.21 237 1039
39 Vojkan 10aa 44:43.35 28.08.21 275 1120
40 Irvin 10aa 45:27.16 15.10.21 579 1093
41 hexiQ 10aa 45:28.73 25.06.22 291 1189
42 QuaD 10aa 46:10.84 02.12.19 252 1012
43 Sly 10aa 47:47.06 12.06.20 505 1205
44 DanDaDanDanDaDan 10aa 52:21.02 08.09.21 312 1329
45 _Player 10aa 54:28.15 02.11.24 363 1209
46 spane 10aa 54:38.36 02.11.24 450 1218
47 zyllEE 10aa 56:55.77 26.07.21 317 1372
48 zver 10aa 61:27.30 25.08.22 490 1517
49 PakT 10aa 62:12.09 17.03.21 324 1273
50 Ripzu 10aa 64:06.98 26.11.20 395 1341
51 Speedwagoon 10aa 65:14.83 15.10.21 367 1411
52 Izgoy 10aa 70:23.71 26.11.20 429 1832
53 niken 10aa 72:00.18 25.06.22 546 1937
54 FrX 10aa 73:34.75 26.07.21 544 1515
55 lavash 10aa 74:53.84 08.05.22 494 1886
56 hehe 10aa 77:28.18 04.01.21 472 1788
57 Degmi 10aa 77:44.54 01.03.25 496 2221
58 Fat_Tony 10aa 90:42.79 07.05.23 710 2533
59 elvis 10aa 94:46.90 08.09.21 349 2758
60 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 95:25.94 03.06.20 562 2080
61 Duck 10aa 102:48.59 01.01.22 534 2434
62 iso 10aa 103:46.14 25.06.22 837 2658
63 waplet 10aa 105:46.56 11.09.24 379 2697
64 Katzz 10aa 114:10.07 11.08.24 465 2833
65 jigsaw 10aa 154:13.29 21.12.23 467 4169
66 redux 10aa 182:28.74 12.06.20 573 4993
67 PoweR 10aa 200:28.29 03.06.20 892 4655
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 reatzh 10aa 23:00.25 21.11.22 327 539
2 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 62:21.35 04.01.21 463 1604
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEEL 10aa 17:37.93 06.05.24 225 351
2 sekai 10aa 20:15.36 29.11.21 422 458
3 reatzh 10aa 26:49.78 26.07.21 475 746
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEEL 10aa 11:15.68 06.05.24 217 202
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 HjG-KazmaN 10aa 154:36.98 05.10.19 297 3441

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