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LAN server update

Posted by Kpoluk 24 Jun 2018 in 16:44
In version 4.2, which is available in Downloads section, some minor bugs were fixed, plugin uq_timing was rewritten, entmark and bot plugins were added. Let's learn it step by step.


Previous time LAN was forked into two versions, one of them was using not direct links to our site for downloading records list, but CDN. During this time we were able to test CDN under low load, and although we met some unpleasant surprises (such as traffic round-up), we still decided to add CDN links to the main fork, so now it's the only LAN version. Even if something happened to CDN, we would just redirect these links, and server will be OK in a day.

Uq Timing

Recall that this plugin is used to create two positions and measure time of passing from one to another (which is allowed while demo recording). Recently Igor S. reported that when player has someone spectating him, time counter speeds up. Then it turned out that this counter if fps-dependent, so plugin was reworked. You can check updated version by typing /timing in chat.

Entity Mark

Plugin highlights various map entities (which is forbidden while demo recording). Original version had bug - menu used to close after the first highlighting, now it's solved. Plugin messages were stylized to suit the rest plugins. Note that some compilers make aaatrigger textures invisible, so there are a lot of maps where triggers could not be highlighted. Plugin menu is called with /ent (or /entmark, /entity).

Finish Message

There wasn't any news about version 4.0.1, so let's look at cvars that were added then:

kz_finishmsg - set HUD message showed when player performs world record (while map has no more than one route). For example: kz_finishmsg "World record! Congratulations!" (default is "", i.e. no finish message)

kz_finishmsg_red, kz_finishmsg_green, kz_finishmsg_blue - set color of finish message (default: 255, 255, 255, i.e. white)

These cvars are kept along with other kz settings in ...cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/kz_demo.cfg. Therefore they are saved there when you type /savesettings or choose "Save Settings" item in Settings Menu. By the way, mentioned config is missing in LAN archive - if you install server on top of previous version, new settings will be automatically added, old settings will preserve their values (works with this config only, lj config can't do such a trick). And if server is installed for the first time, kz_demo.cfg will be generated automatically.


Also previous update in addition to silent_maps.txt (which allows to utterly mute maps written there) presented bad_sound.txt (both are placed in ...cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data). There you can write down standard sounds that you want to mute. For example, door squek or sound of filling up with ammunition. These sounds are located in valve folder, not cstike. You can find a few examples inside of bad_sound.txt. Besides, now file with list of AXN maps is placed in data folder as well, named axn_maps.txt.

KZ-Rush Bot

As long as Garey's bot still has some issues, we decided to sacrifice universaltiy for the sake of stability. Now our public servers and LAN are downloading prepared bot files (with .nav extension) from out host. It means that the process of creating and updating of these files lies on my shoulders, so actually this is not a wr bot, but a bot that will show run uploaded on our host. Hence it works only for those maps that were added on our public servers (later this list will be extended to all site maps).

Downloaded nav files are much lighter than archives and demos, but they still take some disk place. Moreover, long demos will increase the time of server launching. Therefore to keep players, who don't need bot, from struggling, we disabled downloading by default. Let's find out, how enable it. Open bot menu with /bot command:

This is how it looks when you download and create bot, seventh item is for chosing the bot (or bots) to manage. And for the moment you need to open Bot Settings menu (6. Settings):

Download New Bots - download nav files from out host
Remove Old Files - if downloading is turned on, delete old bot files
Create on Connect - create bots on map start
Sync with Start Timer - syncronize (roughly) start of bot's play with timer starting

Chose On in the first item, press 7. Save Settings. Initiate map restart (type restart in console). Then open menu with /bot command and manage bot as you wish. If you suddenly want to delete all downloaded bots, you can find them in ...cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/kzbot.

On the final note, do not use bot while demo recording, it's forbidden!

You are free to ask questions and report bugs in comment section, via steam or Feedback Page.