Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

malle_hb_bigboobz ( Cosy-Climbing) 06.05.2022

KZ-Rush record Lovell - 03:53.16

Mapper  Malle

Pro-record Lovell - 03:33.67

Nub-record sonyamarmeladova - 04:05.22 (95 cp / 11 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Short

Download map malle_hb_bigboobz (22,22 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
sound/malle/malle_hb_bigboobz/Robert Francis - Little Girl.wav>>sound/malle/malle_hb_bigboobz/Robert Francis - Little Girl.wav
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Lovell 03:53.16   22.09.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 Lovell 100aa 03:33.67 04.11.24
2 Lovell 10aa 05:12.12 15.09.24
3 luw4uk 10aa 06:23.18 29.08.24
4 Hong10 10aa 06:51.76 25.05.24
5 zver 10aa 07:24.66 19.03.24
6 T443EP 10aa 07:31.83 15.03.25
7 zedbee 10aa 08:27.44 13.08.24
8 tebetrazeocimojemiranemaju 10aa 08:32.19 29.08.24
9 13inchveinymonster 10aa 09:57.71 29.08.24
10 rapier 10aa 12:33.22 15.03.25
11 ness 10aa 13:48.95 13.08.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 sonyamarmeladova 10aa 04:05.22 20.11.23 95 11
2 lampa666 10aa 04:32.58 08.11.24 162 14
3 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 04:45.66 20.11.23 126 18
4 ON1___Zuck_it! 100aa 05:00.24 08.11.24 134 27
5 #aestetics_ENE_TUVAM. 10aa 05:23.42 29.08.24 127 28
6 kokccc 10aa 05:48.40 20.11.23 137 28
7 nindzhia 100aa 06:43.10 06.07.24 126 52
8 Drawh1st0ry 10aa 06:44.37 06.03.25 159 54
9 Player 100aa 06:54.41 02.07.24 79 49
10 Gramm 100aa 06:59.00 02.07.24 117 36
11 Trololo 100aa 07:11.01 02.07.24 161 53
12 Kpoluk 10aa 07:14.62 15.10.23 88 34
13 Vodilo58 10aa 07:40.44 12.06.24 156 98
14 gusano 10aa 07:49.51 28.08.24 142 43
15 goeasy 10aa 07:59.00 08.11.24 111 39
16 Supersonic 10aa 08:24.09 12.06.24 163 61
17 nl200_enjoyer 100aa 09:37.75 02.07.24 151 75
18 Astra 10aa 09:59.66 29.08.24 64 69
19 Haleliasa 100aa 10:46.84 01.12.24 108 42
20 RPTZAO 10aa 12:12.93 29.08.24 175 112

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