Kreedz Jumping

Game mode when you racing with other players to finish a maps as fast as possible. Its comes from Counter-Strike 1.6 and was named in honor of creator
Our community will help you with passing the maps with your friends, set new records, participate and win in tournaments.

Last server records
Pro Nub

[CS16] Release #307 - 28 new records

Posted by Kpoluk 30 Jun 2024 in 17:33


suk_desertblock_ez done in 03:47.01 (04:17.97 HELLBOUND) 1 place 20 Exp


5oXen_vvn1ght_v5 done in 05:10.94 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
dyd_onlime_ez done in 04:13.62 (04:40.88 inactive) 1 place 30 Exp
kzro_pussy done in 01:39.21 (01:43.03 tHEYAMBO) 1 place 30 Exp
sl_oldmap done in 02:35.77 WR! (03:13.02 tasi) 1 place 60 Exp
sl_riot_easy done in 03:54.93 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
sl_xmas done in 03:34.03 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


ez_hb_z0r done in 00:49.64 (00:37.90 colcolx) 3 place 28 Exp
lx_gakky done in 01:31.93 (01:33.21 JohnDoe) 2 place 29 Exp
tig_soulway done in 02:18.19 (01:58.90 Juby) 2 place 29 Exp


knq_evolution done in 01:37.00 (02:29.77 Schwibbleglibblekind) 1 place 30 Exp
ksz_cosy_cupspeed done in 01:37.76 (01:52.17 benga) 1 place 30 Exp
kzra_smallcanyon done in 01:33.75 (01:35.24 SlasHeR) 1 place 30 Exp
kzzNk_fastwood done in 02:51.49 WR! (03:12.86 kokccc) 1 place 60 Exp
lx_gakky done in 01:31.07 (01:33.21 JohnDoe) 1 place 1 Exp


dyd_brick done in 17:46.76 (03:36.08 HaMMa) 5 place 16 Exp
dyd_horizon done in 06:22.44 (02:37.10 outside) 3 place -8 Exp


hb_Ruan_Sweet done in 01:25.58 WR! (01:36.18 Lifestealer+) 1 place 60 Exp


ccn_make done in 04:26.16 WR! (04:48.45 LLazar) 1 place 30 Exp


b2j_g0ldwalk done in 01:13.80 (01:01.56 Dolphin) 11 place 20 Exp
ksz_confused done in 02:22.96 (02:26.87 Borimec) 1 place 30 Exp


kzlv_axn_temple done in 00:18.43 WR! (00:19.86 SlasHeR) 1 place 60 Exp


bhmod_space done in 00:39.99 (00:41.30 SlasHeR) 1 place 0 Exp


kzcn_aleibhop done in 01:50.45 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
sdmz_papillon_e done in 01:26.80 WR! (01:29.82 Mecanicas) 1 place 60 Exp
ym_hxsb_fundament_ez done in 00:59.22 WR! (01:00.09 HuaXiang) 1 place 31 Exp


5oXen_vvn1ght_v4 done in 03:51.90 WR! (04:02.78 smrtsvima) 1 place 30 Exp


chip_bhopnoob done in 01:37.09 (01:26.63 society) 7 place 24 Exp
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[CS16] Release #306 - 15 new records

Posted by Kpoluk 15 Jun 2024 in 16:58


cg_beginner done in 02:24.45 (02:32.05 erdik) 1 place 30 Exp


kzzNk_gelions done in 02:16.82 WR! (02:34.44 chmod) 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_night done in 01:43.93 WR! (01:46.75 Hong10) 1 place 30 Exp


ym_hxsb_fundament_ez done in 01:00.09 WR! (01:03.40 smieszneznaczki) 1 place 60 Exp


ftw_fastbhop done in 01:58.12 (01:58.50 rze) 1 place 20 Exp
ty_zavod done in 01:16.22 WR! (01:16.25 tmf) 1 place 21 Exp


hb_GoDfreee done in 40:49.16 (05:40.42 Okazys) 3 place 18 Exp


5oXen_vvn1ght_v27 done in 02:39.78 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
cd_vvn1ght_v29 done in 01:31.54 WR! (01:54.60 smrtsvima) 1 place 60 Exp


kz_giantbean_b15[1337trees] done in 01:00.35 WR! (01:14.83 Silk_Road) 1 place 60 Exp


hb_kasalasa_h done in 01:29.71 WR! (01:32.04 KikoBaby) 1 place 21 Exp


kzsca_speedblock_e done in 02:47.67 (02:56.54 inactive) 1 place 30 Exp


kz_desolatum done in 05:54.32 (05:57.18 actepukc333) 1 place 30 Exp


kz-endo_slide_svn_steep_x done in 03:17.55 WR! (03:30.16 Okazys) 1 place 60 Exp


slide_svn_complex done in 01:43.72 (01:49.31 Silk_Road) 1 place 30 Exp
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[CS16] Release #305 - 20 new records + LAN update

Posted by Kpoluk 25 May 2024 in 17:32
Changelog for lan pack v. 4.19:

  • some time ago I talked about how the number of world records on our mappool is distributed approximately equally between XJ, Cosy and KZ-Rush, and therefore the /wr command on lan now shows the records of all communities having the current map and which have the wr command in the corresponding line in the records.ini file (now this command is registered for all three communities).
  • added cvar kz_whatused upon request (default 0). If you set it to 1, then when you save the demo, the title will indicate the number of cp and gc made, the fact of using a hook, pause and noclip. This will help those who keep their unsuccessful attempts.
  • cvar kz_newnightvision now has a new state 2, in which the nightvision is not so bright (by the way, on the servers I also reduced the brightness, but did not add new states).
  • cvars ljs_good/pro/holy/leet/god_sound_source have been added to the lan version of jump stats; with their help you can change the sounds used by the stats.
  • I deleted the configs from the lan archive, all new settings will be added to your configs themselves, without overwriting already saved settings.


bq_colorblock done in 03:29.71 WR! (03:38.17 cstrike) 1 place 20 Exp


av_degyptianez done in 02:38.01 WR! (02:38.05 colcolx) 1 place 32 Exp


kzlt_rainhop done in 01:08.81 WR! (01:10.33 David38) 1 place 21 Exp


cd_2077 done in 01:15.31 (01:10.81 Juby) 3 place 18 Exp


er92_speedtest done in 01:40.00 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_f1ut done in 01:25.01 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_govs done in 02:31.90 WR! (03:16.09 tasi) 1 place 60 Exp
ym_hxsb_fundament_ez done in 01:28.08 2 place 29 Exp


kz_kzfr_alexandrie done in 05:49.30 1 place 30 Exp
kzex_earthruins done in 02:08.11 (02:24.93 HELLBOUND) 1 place 30 Exp
kzgr_propelled done in 07:15.93 (07:48.08 rawe) 1 place 30 Exp


ym_hxsb_fundament_ez done in 01:03.40 WR! 1 place 50 Exp


b2j_g0ldwalk done in 01:24.31 (01:01.56 Dolphin) 14 place 7 Exp


er92_speedtest done in 01:56.57 2 place 29 Exp
kzra_squares done in 06:11.79 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_f1ut done in 01:46.44 2 place 29 Exp
kzzNk_mits done in 02:30.82 (01:52.96 KaMi) 2 place 29 Exp
kzzNk_textils done in 01:36.37 (00:46.59 KaMi) 2 place 29 Exp
sl_oldmap done in 03:13.02 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
tig_soulway done in 02:37.20 (01:58.90 Juby) 2 place 29 Exp
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[CS16] Release #304 - 33 new records

Posted by Kpoluk 19 May 2024 in 13:52
We have some great news for 100aa enjoyers – there should be no more stuttering on servers when using it. Thanks to arte_de_la_puerta and R3AL for their help in this matter.

The new community map is ym_hxsb_fundament_ez from yumen. This is a small and simple hard map, which CrayFish helped in testing, thanks to him for that. Enjoy the game!

We also add maps from the latest XJ release and additionally kzro_gatsuclimb. Please note that this version of the map is different from the one posted on Cosy-Climbing (the mapper Spider1 fixed missing textures at my request).

Hard maps

Average map


kzzNk_gelions done in 02:34.44 WR! (02:38.24 Antarktida) 1 place 60 Exp


deathrun_death_hard done in 01:27.64 WR! (01:28.84 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp
ivns_orangez_x done in 00:20.71 WR! (00:26.36 Creep) 1 place 60 Exp


bkz_snowblock done in 01:26.29 WR! (01:31.37 colcolx) 1 place 21 Exp
notkz_rid_leonardo_h done in 03:01.36 (01:50.97 MEEL) 2 place -10 Exp
suk_desertblock done in 03:27.76 (04:56.55 HELLBOUND) 1 place 20 Exp


kzarg_ih_sandhop done in 01:13.58 WR! (01:15.92 promax) 1 place 50 Exp
kzlt_rainhop done in 01:10.33 WR! (01:10.59 Dolphin) 1 place 50 Exp


kzzNk_rember done in 02:02.20 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


fu_darkblock done in 07:15.93 (14:18.70 GoDfreee) 3 place 28 Exp
kz_kzsca_sewerbhop done in 04:03.27 WR! (04:41.17 Xavi) 1 place 60 Exp


hb_NeW done in 08:28.70 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


holy_lame done in 11:15.45 (03:56.44 topoviygus) 6 place 15 Exp


hb_hao_h done in 06:12.17 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
tig_soulway done in 01:58.90 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


5oXen_vvn1ght_v22 done in 03:10.67 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_mits done in 01:52.96 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_textils done in 00:46.59 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


butch_zigzag done in 03:29.67 (03:53.26 tasi) 1 place 30 Exp
hm_hallez done in 03:45.83 (04:40.43 tasi) 1 place 30 Exp
kzwi_prisonclimb done in 02:17.65 (02:36.39 tasi) 1 place 30 Exp


bhop_walls done in 01:33.86 WR! (01:33.93 Penguin) 1 place 60 Exp
deathrun_death_hard done in 01:28.70 (01:28.84 colcolx) 2 place 29 Exp
fu_replayhopez done in 03:10.50 WR! (03:56.08 elaine) 1 place 60 Exp
kzcn_bhop done in 02:16.29 WR! (02:47.40 Xednay) 1 place 60 Exp
sdmz_papillon_e done in 01:29.82 WR! (01:38.16 society) 1 place 60 Exp


qcg_slabs done in 05:32.83 WR! (07:42.01 sekai) 1 place 60 Exp


dyd_horizon done in 02:37.10 WR! (03:27.40 throttle) 1 place 60 Exp
gbc_script_mimic_h done in 04:48.71 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
kzz_bhop done in 17:12.72 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
nks_pupu done in 06:44.84 WR! (07:26.50 Toff1fee) 1 place 60 Exp
nz_real done in 01:19.15 WR! (01:40.39 REMBO5) 1 place 50 Exp


8b1_hellinashop done in 02:06.40 WR! (02:15.51 ShoCk) 1 place 60 Exp
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[CS16] Release #303 - 31 new record + Checkpoints release + Maps

Posted by Kpoluk 10 May 2024 in 08:28
Introducing the new community map hb_xiaobai and its light version hb_xiaobai_ez from weixinii. In addition to the comments issued by edZika and CrayFish, the mapper had to spend time redoing the teleports at my request. The thing is that the latest versions of the kz_entities plugin of our lan pack parses the map, restoring its original geometry based on the planes that make up the triggers. And the time spent on such calculations can greatly increase as the number of planes that make up the trigger increases, which is why the map takes longer to load. I will also add some kind of limitation to the plugin later, but in any case, I would like to ask mappers not to make teleports consisting of dozens of different brushes, even if this seems like a convenient solution (on this map, the mapper copied the rock brushes, raised the copy and made it a trigger ).

We also add maps from the latest Cosy release (I would like to separately note that hb_NeW is not quite an ordinary map, the combinations of blocks on it are generated in a new way each time the map is launched, the number of combinations is indicated in the final room):

Hard maps
5oXen_vvn1ght_v19 - spaces in resources names

Average maps
sl_oldmap - one cannot reach the start from the finish by the map means
tig_soulway - clip brush blocking sc; one can leave map constraints with hook
er92_speedtest - wrong folders order in archive

Won't be added
riq_murderer - critical shortcut and passable wall, mapper can contact hfour for more information
5oXen_Jbugs - jumpbugs as mandatory elelmens; too short
fly_bhop_tonic - too short
hb_vasy_2024 - blocks copypaste
ty_BiCapone - too short
kzba_bala_complex - too short
sl_spd1 - too short

And for those who set records, I remind you that you can upload demos with better time on the map until the moment when I mark them as checked (this usually happens shortly before the release).


imkz_ivory done in 02:02.73 (113 CP, 12 GC) (02:14.92 smieszneznaczki) 1 place
kzro_brick1337 done in 06:21.99 (297 CP, 76 GC) (07:21.24 smieszneznaczki) 2 place
mls_inception done in 05:41.46 (238 CP, 44 GC) (06:11.69 smieszneznaczki) 1 place


imkz_ivory done in 02:06.81 (70 CP, 21 GC) (02:14.92 smieszneznaczki) 2 place
kzro_brick1337 done in 06:11.25 (231 CP, 56 GC) (07:21.24 smieszneznaczki) 1 place
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rush_ghostwire done in 02:21.66 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


deathrun_death_hard done in 01:28.84 WR! (01:29.38 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp
mtz_hateful done in 00:44.57 WR! (01:38.08 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp


bhop_styleer done in 02:31.64 (02:31.59 Creep) 2 place 19 Exp
bq_colorblock done in 03:38.17 WR! (04:34.58 cstrike) 1 place 20 Exp
kz_chinabl0ck_ez done in 03:56.67 (03:57.59 GoDfreee) 1 place -9 Exp
notkz_rid_leonardo_h done in 05:22.37 (01:50.97 MEEL) 2 place 19 Exp


5oXen_remarkable done in 02:10.72 (01:46.38 rawe) 4 place 27 Exp
bhkz_wicked done in 02:01.12 (01:45.12 Dolphin) 2 place 29 Exp
bhop_cave2 done in 01:43.71 (01:33.55 c0c0n) 4 place 27 Exp
bhop_grblor_v2 done in 02:31.69 (02:03.12 Penguin) 3 place 28 Exp
bhop_redstars done in 01:44.08 (01:30.74 Dolphin) 3 place 28 Exp
bhopkz_raz done in 01:49.77 (01:27.17 Creep) 2 place 29 Exp
chk_hb_qcg done in 02:28.87 (02:18.62 actepukc333) 4 place 27 Exp
chk_insomnia done in 02:44.42 (02:37.83 zuurdo) 2 place 29 Exp
fly_bhop_worms done in 01:55.67 WR! (02:17.79 tasi) 1 place 60 Exp
gbc_randomclimb2 done in 02:22.51 (02:03.45 morfewe) 2 place 29 Exp
ksz_jumpnduck done in 01:14.23 (00:53.70 colcolx) 3 place 28 Exp
ksz_towerblocks done in 02:36.69 (03:06.66 tasi) 1 place 30 Exp
kzno_hamletmountain done in 01:42.48 (01:27.35 colcolx) 3 place 28 Exp
kztw_mfa_run_bronx done in 02:20.25 (01:51.01 seniug) 2 place 29 Exp
kztw_stormblocks_h done in 01:24.76 (02:03.69 MaVo^) 1 place 30 Exp
lx_gakky done in 01:35.53 (01:33.21 JohnDoe) 2 place 29 Exp
notkz_oHS_mountain done in 03:58.14 (04:16.01 avivVv) 1 place 30 Exp
sdmz_snow done in 01:39.19 (01:15.99 HaMMa) 3 place 28 Exp
sector_speedfactory done in 01:58.37 (01:37.74 MEEL) 2 place 29 Exp
sxj_winterclimb done in 01:48.35 (01:24.81 MEEL) 2 place 29 Exp
zink_creteblock done in 01:31.02 (01:13.22 colcolx) 3 place 28 Exp


deathrun_arxdukz_easy done in 01:07.60 WR! (01:07.74 colcolx) 1 place 31 Exp
kzra_shortclimb done in 02:48.55 WR! (02:52.30 pepi) 1 place 60 Exp


kz_piranesi done in 05:48.86 WR! (05:59.55 Toff1fee) 1 place 60 Exp
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